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添加时间: 2022/5/14 15:13:19 来源: 作者: 点击数:3129







The Translation of Coordinate Structure in Architecture English: A Report on the Translation of the Text of Landscape and Architecture Design

The original text in the translation project was extracted from Waterfront Landscape Architecture, Kindergarten Architecture, Apartments for the Elderly, Science and Cultural Park, all of which were published by Dalian University of Technology Press. Each book contained about 40 architecture design projects. There was 300 to 400 words long English description illustrating the plans of each design project. The translator worked with other three in translating the English illustration into Chinese. The four books would be published with both their English version and Chinese translation rendered accordingly.

The translator presents the report based on the translation project. This paper consists of four parts. In the part of task description, descriptions to task background, task object, text nature and gene and type are presented; in the process description part, the author talks about the translators, preparation before translation, performance in translation and revision after translation; in the case study part, the translator discusses three types of coordination and their methods. For the coordination with conjuncts being words, the translator adopted literal and free translation. For the coordination with conjuncts being phrases, the translator adopted literal translation and adaptation. For the coordination with conjuncts being clauses, linear translation, dividing and integration were applied. In this part, specific examples were drawn for analysis and exemplification. Summarization on the problems encountered, the methods adopted, experiences and lessons drawn, insights gained is also included in the report.

Key Words: English for Architecture Design Texts, Coordinate Structure, Translation Strategy

第一章 任务描述

1.1 任务背景


1.2 任务对象


1.3 文本性质




1.4 文本体裁和类型


第二章 过程描述

2.1  译员的确定


2.2  译前准备


2.2.1 字典的准备

对解决翻译过程中单词理解、释义方面的问题,在纸质字典上,译者主要准备了《陆谷孙英汉大词典》《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第6版)》《朗文当代高级英语词典(英英·英汉双解)(第4版)》《外研社最新简明英汉词典》《21世纪大英汉词典》《企鹅建筑学词典:英文》《精选英汉汉英建筑设备专业词汇》,以备翻译中参考所用。而对于网络在线字典,译者主要参考了有道、灵格斯翻译家、WordWebMerriam-Webster Dictionary这几种在线字典。

2.2.2 相关的网站查询

此外,由于所译材料——景观与建筑的设计说明,属建筑学范畴,专业性较强,因此在翻译之前和过程中,译者需参考一些较为专业的有关建筑设计方面的网站,以便进一步了解建筑领域的知识、掌握地道的建筑用语和表达方式,这样才能使译文更加准确、地道。译者所参考的有关建筑设计的网站有“里外建筑中国网 http://arch.liwai.com/”“21世纪建筑设计网 http://www.21cad.cn/”和“埃克思建筑设计网 http://www.xarchi.com/”;同时,在翻译中有时为了直观地了解英语原文中某一事物的外观形象,译者查询了“百度图片http://image.baidu.com/”“谷歌图片http://www.google.com.hk/”等网站;翻译中有时需了解建筑领域某一方面的知识,对于建筑领域的了解和查询,译者主要在WikipediaGoogle上进行了搜索和查阅。

2.2.3 参考文献的准备


2.2.4 其他翻译辅助工具


2.2.5 翻译计划的制定


2.3 译中执行情况

2.3.1 制定术语表




2.3.2 翻译的执行情况






2.4 译后校审


2.4.1 审校人员的确定


2.4.2 具体的审校方法及执行 自我审校


在自我审校过程中,由于译者易受到自身定式思维模式的限制,审校的只是译文中较为明显、浅显的问题,所以译文在表达上、遣词造句上以及翻译风格上的问题需译者与他人讨论、经他人审校后再做进一步的确定。 译员间互改


译员间对译文进行互改,能够弥补自我审校中的不足。成员间对译文进行充分的讨论,能够集思广益,拓宽翻译思路,探究解决各种翻译问题的翻译方法,以便不断完善译文,达到最佳翻译效果。 导师审校与把关


第三章 案例分析


本章将以分析实例的形式来向大家展示译者是如何解决并列结构这一翻译问题的。并列结构是英语文体中常见的句法结构之一它是把两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能相似的词、短语、句子等成串排列的结构以表达同一序列的思想观点和行为动作。并列结构的正确使用使文章句子结构紧凑意义鲜明逻辑性强极大地提高文章的表达效果。”(刘俊冰,20121美国俄勒冈大学语言学系研究员托马斯·佩恩Thomas Payne,199359Exploring Language Structure: A Students Guide一书中曾对并列结构进行了这样的分类,即词汇的并列、短语的并列、分句的并列。在解决不同类型并列结构的翻译问题时,译者采用了不同的解决方法。在具体的分析和探究过程中,译者将在所译文本中选取大量具体的案例,加以佐证。

3.1 翻译原则

“重现原文信息是翻译的基本目标”。 (Nida, 1969: 12) Namit Bhatia也曾说过,“翻译是以对等的目的语文本来展现交流源语文本意思。”(Namit Bhatia, 1992:54)可见,译文需准确传播原文信息,这也是译者在翻译并列结构时首要所遵循的原则。此外,译者还需遵循可读性原则,使其所翻译的作品具有可读性,因为“任何翻译活动都必须服务于社会,使社会受益”。(刘宓庆,200549“所谓译文的可读性(readability),是指译文的通顺可读程度。(孟宪英,2012127

那么,在翻译并列结构时,我们就需对不同类型的并列结构采用不同的翻译方法,以使译文尽量达到 重现原文信息和具有可读性的双重效果。

3.2 并列词语的翻译



案例1The Bulcock Beach foreshore is a unique site with significant environmental, recreational and scenic values.


分析:原句中,相互并列的三个单词environmental, recreational, scenic为三个形容词,所以这是一组形容词并列的并列结构,在句中作values的定语。这三个形容词的词义很简单也很明显,分别为“环境的,有关环境的”“娱乐的,消遣的”“风景的,景色的”,我们按照这三个形容词以上所述词义对原文进行翻译,那么与后面的values搭配在一起,便译为了“环境、娱乐和风景价值”。翻译时我们遵循了原句并列结构中各单词的基本词义和原序,我们发现做出的译文“环境、娱乐和风景价值”通顺、准确传达了原文信息、符合汉语语言习惯,因此我们用直译法解决了该句中三个并列形容词的翻译,可取。

案例2Diamond Teague Park houses the HQ of the Earth Conservation Corps (ECC), an organization that involves neighborhood kids in the stewardship and restoration of the river.


分析:原句中的并列结构为两个名词的并列:stewardship and restoration. 为了准确起见,通过查阅字典可知,stewardship的词义为“①管理工作,代理工作;②管理员的职位”,restoration的释义为“①恢复;回复;收复(失地等)复职;复位归还;偿还;返还恢复健康,复元修复;复原;维护修复物;重建物;(已绝迹动物的)复制模型(法规等的)重新执行王政复辟;王政复辟时期”。那么我们选取stewardship的第一种释义“管理工作”和restoration的第五个释义“修复,复原,维护”,尝试按照这两种释义来对原文进行翻译, stewardship and restoration 便译为管理与维护工作”。与其后面的of the river 连在一起,译文便是“河流的管理与修复工作”,可以发现,译文通顺,并准确有效传达了原文信息。直译时,不仅要全面准确地阐释原作含义,还要做到不随意增加或删除原作的内涵要保持原有的风格。

案例3The intervention area corresponds to four different spaces along the margin, with variable dimensions and geometry.


分析:原句中的并列词语为dimensions and geometry,是一对并列名词。dimensionsdimension的复数形式,《21世纪大英汉词典》对dimensions的第三种解释为:[常用复数]面积,大小;容积,体积;量。对geometry的第四种解释为:形状,图形;几何结构,几何体。这里的dimensions and geometry是就四块不同区域four different spaces而言,用来描述这些区域的大小与外形,这里我们就分别取《21世纪大英汉词典》中dimensionsgeometry的第三种和第四种释义,尝试对原文进行翻译,dimensions and geometry便被译为“面积与形状”。将dimensions and geometry这一并列词语的译文(“面积与形状”)放置整句话的翻译当中,整句话的译文即为“这片被开发的地区包括沿水不同区域,面积与形状各不相同”。可见,译文重现了原文信息,符合汉语语言习惯,同时符合该并列词语所在的语境,具有可读性。“好的译文译出了词的内涵,并非词的外延。”(Umberto Eco, 19968) 因此,此处运用直译法对dimensions and geometry这一并列词语进行翻译便解决了该处并列结构的翻译问题。



案例4The jury stated the project was “an excellent example of the potential for landscape architects to play a key leadership role in visioning and delivery of more sustainable urban design”.


分析:visioning由动词vision变来,由于位于介词in之后,所以需将动词vision变为动名词的形式。那么我们就从动词vision的词义来分析,其词义有“想象,在幻觉中看到,显现”之意,在这里如按照其字面意思进行翻译,即直译,显然译文行不通,所以需要对其进行意译。著名翻译家和翻译理论家Newmark曾提出这样的翻译公式:The word means X but you wouldnt really call it X here.Newmark, 199392)由此可见,在实际翻译过程中,根据具体语境,很多时候不能对原文进行机械地逐字翻译,而是需要对原文进行意译。如果把of去掉不考虑,我们可以说动词vision后面的宾语是design,我们需根据vision的基本词义来确定一个能与宾语“设计(方案)”相搭配的动词,由此译者选取了“构思”一词来作为vision的汉语译文,“构思”是一个具有将来时意味的动词,这一点与其基本词义“想象”相符,即其动作承受者都未发生的事情;其次,“构思的设计(方案)”这一动宾搭配较为符合汉语语言习惯。再看delivery一词,其动词为deliver,由于位于介词in之后,所以选用了其名词形式delivery,但是我们还是从其动词词义入手,deliver的基本词义为交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给接生,暂时将of去掉不看,这几种词义与后面的宾语design根本不相搭配,所以者将deliver意译为展现。首先deliver的基本词义“交付,递送”就有“将呈现在某人面前,将展示给某人”之意,而“展现”也具有这样的含义,而且“交付”和“展现”这两个词都强调的是结果,即动作的最后结果;其次,“展现”与“设计(方案)”比较搭配,即“展现设计(方案)”。因此,译者将visioning and delivery这一并列词语意译为“构思和展现”。


案例5Also we have to think of the needs of the visitors, the family members and friends that come to visit, make it a pleasant visit for all, should be an emotional, sensitive and variable experience.


分析:原句中的并列词语为emotional, sensitive and variable,其中,译者在对emotionalsensitive翻译时采取了意译。emotional的释义为 感情的;情绪的;表情的,感情表露的 ()动感情的;()激动的,情绪()激动的;易哭的,易怒的表现强烈情感的;诉诸感情的;有感染力的;激起情感的,激动人的,令人激动的,(感动得)令人流泪的,催人泪下的情绪冲动的;感情用事的;不理智的。显然,无论将这五种解释当中的哪一种直接套用过来对原文翻译都是行不通的。由emotional的第一种释义“感情的;情绪的”可联想到,无论是“感情的”、还是“情绪的”,都是指人的主观情感,都与人的心情有关,并且根据原文所在语境亦可断定这里的emotional是想表述来访者的心情,所以译者这里将emotional意译为“在心情上”。如果直接选用“感情的”或“情绪的”这两种解释对emotional进行直译,“感情的”语义较重,而“情绪的”又较偏贬义。再来看sensitive一词,原意为感觉的,感受的;有感觉的易受(外界)影响的(情绪等)易波动的;(思维等)敏锐的[生理学]敏感的,神经质的有关感觉的。如果在这里将sensitive直译为“有感觉的”、“敏感的”或“易波动的”等等,一定不符合上下文语境和语义,所以需对sensitive意译。根据字典上对sensitive的第五种解释“有关感觉的”,以及原文描述的是来访者的感受,而且这里所描述的“来访者的感受”一定是来访者第一感觉所感受到的,译者这里将sensitive 意译为了“在感官上”,既符合上下文语境,又与前面对emotional的翻译“在心情上”形式相一致。通过对emotionalsensitive这两个并列词语意译,译文通畅、可读,符合了上下文语境。但意译并不意味着可以将内容随意改动或增删,和语言一样,翻译是一项受约束的活动。”(Peter Newmark, 19916译者必须深钻原文,融会贯通,抓住要点。

3.3 并列短语的翻译



案例6PLACE Design Group was commissioned as lead consultant in 2007 by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council to undertake master plan review, design development, stakeholder consultation and to prepare detailed tender documentation for the Bulcock Beach Esplanade Redevelopment project.


分析:master plan review, design development, stakeholder consultation是三个并列短语,作undertake的宾语。译者用直译法对这三个并列的名词性短语进行了翻译,即翻译时遵照了每个单词的字面意思,同时也遵循了单词原本的顺序。为了确保翻译的准确性和可读性,译者在Google上分别对总体规划评审、设计开发、股东协商”这三个短语进行了搜索,搜索结果统计如下表:









这三个短语在google上的搜索结果均在百万条以上,可见,“总体规划评审” “设计开发” “股东协商”这三个短语已被广泛使用,因此此种译文是可被接受的。

案例7The project also involved challenges associated with infrastructure renewal and upgrade in such a sensitive location and within a limited construction budget.


分析:in such a sensitive location and within a limited construction budget分别是由inwithin引导的两个并列的介词短语,in such a sensitive location叙述的是该项目的位置,within a limited construction budget叙述的是该项目所处的外部条件,其实这两个短语都是在叙述该项目当前的条件。由于该并列短语中每个单词的词义及整个短语的意思都比较明显易懂,所以译者对其进行了直译,直译时,对这两个并列短语进行了一个小小的融合,即把它们翻译在“在……条件下”这样的一个符合汉语习惯的语言框架里。此外,由于汉语的说话习惯通常是把表示位置、条件、时间等话语放在前面,所以译者在翻译原句时,将这两个介词短语放在了句首。


案例8It is this simple solution which will ensure the longevity of the Jack Evans Boat Harbor parklands as they are placed under the pressures of a growing coastal population and the many pressures of urban densification.


分析:a growing coastal populationurban densification是其所在并列短语中的两组名词性短语,其实the pressures of a growing coastal population and the many pressures of urban densification这一并列短语可以理解为the pressures of a growing coastal population and urban densification。“由于英语和汉语分属不同的两种语系在语法和表达习惯上存在很多差异。因此多数情况下在进行英译汉时原文和译文在词汇上不能一一对应。为了使译文符合汉语的表达习惯为了使译文准确传达原文的意思翻译时就需要进行英语和汉语之间的词类转换。(郑守志,20101译者在翻译该句时,根据汉语的表达习惯,对其中的某些单词进行了转译,经过转译的译文为“海岸人口不断增长,城市人口密度增加”, 即将前一个名词性短语中的growing(成长的,发展的)这个形容词转译为了动词“增长”,将后面的名词性短语中的名词densification(致密,稠密)转译为了主谓结构“密度增加”。采用转译法对原句中的并列短语进行翻译后,可见译文通顺、易懂。

案例9Through a tight integration of the building in the site and transformation of the flat roof into a useful greenspace, the relatively massive construction of the Kindergarten is reduced to visually pleasing dimensions, avoiding a competitive position against the church.


分析:译者对于目的语语言的演进具有巨大的推动作用。”(Christopher Kasparek198384)例如一个名词在不同的上下文中,或在不同的译者翻译下,既可能转译成动词,也可能转译成别的词类。其他词类的转译也无不如此。原句中a tight integration of the building in the site and transformation of the flat roof into a useful greenspace是一组并列的名词性短语,翻译时,译者将其中的两个名词,即integrationtransformation,转译为了两个动词:“对……整合”和“将……改造为”。这样,a tight integration of the building in the site,译为该地建筑物进行紧密整合”; transformation of the flat roof into a useful greenspace,译为将屋顶平台改造为一块具有实用价值的绿地”。如果将这两个并列短语按照其名词词性翻译,便会译出“通过该地建筑物的紧密整合和平屋顶变为有使用价值的绿地的转变”这样的译文,译文的前半句读起来还算可以,但是后半句的译文就很不通顺了。所以在这里,采用转译法是必要的。

10 After a competitive process, our firm was selected to resolve the many challenges inherent in this affordable, multiuse senior housing project: complex city and community reviews; complex financing; and complex siting on a very tight, former freeway location in San Francisco.


分析:原文中黑体部分为并列的短语。根据原文中reviews, financing, siting这三个词所在的位置可以判断,这三个词均为名词,若分别按照其名词词义进行翻译,则译为“复审”、“融资”和“选址”,就没有体现出动作的行为。由于这几个并列短语是对原文中冒号前面challenges的解释说明,既然是解决“挑战性问题”,那么就要译出动作之感,因为“问题”通常是以某种行为方式来解决的。所以,将第一个短语中的名词reviews转译为动词“对......复审”,更符合上下文语境,更贴切。同理,后面的两个并列短语中的名词financingsiting,在翻译时都转译为了动词,分别为“为......融资”和“为......选址”,这样才能体现出解决挑战性问题时所实施的动作行为。

3.4 并列分句的翻译



案例11The design is elegant in its curvilinear form, robust in its materials, fit for purpose in its scale and emphasises sustainability principles.


分析:这是一个带有两个并列分句的句子,句中的两个并列分句由并列连词and连接,由于这两个并列分句的主语一致,均为the design,所以第二个并列分句中主语省略。该句句意较为简单明了,所以我们采用顺译法。顺译法,除了指翻译时按句子行文顺序处理句子的各种成分外,还提示译者要把握好全句的结构,理顺全句各部分之间的关系,“断句” 则是这个操作过程的关键,“断句”是将原句依顺序切成若干部分,成为独立的意群或停顿群。”(何刚强,200927那么这句话在断句时,很明显并列连词and就是一处明显的切分点,因此按照这样的断句,我们对and连接的两个并列分句分别进行顺译,一个并列分句The design is elegant in its curvilinear form, robust in its materials, fit for purpose in its scale则顺译为“该设计曲线形式优美,材料坚固,符合其规模上的目标”,第二个并列分句(The design) emphasises sustainability principles顺译为“(该设计)强调可持续性原则”。按照顺译法进行翻译后,整句话的译文就是“该设计曲线形式优美,材料坚固,符合其规模上的目标,强调可持续性原则”。断句时的切分点并列连词and在译文也有所体现,首先逗号(“目标”与“并”之间的逗号)将连个并列分句的译文隔开,体现了在and 处对原句的切分;其次,and被译为了“并”。

案例12Two of the six classrooms and the nursery school are situated on the ground floor, whereas the other four group rooms and the appropriate service rooms are on the first floor.


分析:原句中的两个并列分句由表示转折的并列连词whereas连接。原句中隐藏一种顺序问题,即:先说六间教室中的两间,接下来再说剩下的四间(the other four group rooms),所以按照原文的顺序及我们通常的逻辑思维方式,我们还是采用顺译法来对其翻译。同样,在用顺译法对该句进行翻译之前,我们还是对原句做断句处理。由于这是一个由两个并列分句组成的句子,断句时首当其冲应在并列连词whereas处断。断句后,第一个并列分句则被顺译为“六间教室中有两间,和托儿所一起,均位于大楼的底层”;第二个则被顺译为“其他四间教室和相应的服务室则位于一楼”。整个译文中,两个并列分句由分号连接,体现了出了原文由两个并列分句组成这一句式结构。此外,并列连词whereas被译为“而”,表达并列的同时体现出转折意味。

案例13This gives a clear view of the tranquil green surroundings and invites the residents from their rooms out into the garden.


分析:and连接两个并列分句,and连接的这两个并列分句讲述两个不同的内容:居住者首先是能清晰地看到恬静、葱郁的景象,其次才有走出室内来到花园的愿望,所以翻译时我们还是采用顺译法。首先还是在并列连词and处断句,然后再用顺译法分别译出两个并列分句。This gives a clear view of the tranquil green surroundings,顺译为“这样的设计使居住者清晰地欣赏到四周恬静、葱郁的景象”,其中“居住者”是根据第二个并列分句中的residents而来。第二个并列分句invites the residents from their rooms out into the garden,省略了主语this,因为与第一个并列分句主语相同,该句顺译为“吸引着他们走出室内,来到花园”。此外,从整个译文来看,这里并列连词and有着些许的递进意味,被译为“同时也”,尤其是“也”字,体现出了这种递进,符合人们的思维逻辑,因为居住者看到恬静、葱郁的景象之后,进一步才会有走到花园里的欲望。




案例14The fluentness of the outdoor space fully considers the behavior characteristics of the users, at the same time, takes care of its transitional continuity.


分析:这是一个由at the same time这一短语连接的两个并列分句。对于第一个分句,译者采用了拆译法,即将这一分句拆译为了几个句子。首先译者将The fluentness of the outdoor space fully considers the behavior characteristics of the users这句中的The fluentness of the outdoor space拿出来单独译为一句“室外空间十分通畅”,其次又以“这样的设计”为主语开头,翻译剩下的部分fully considers the behavior characteristics of the users。其实以“这样的设计”开头,也是作为第二个分句的主语,因为整个句中的两个并列分句都是以The fluentness of the outdoor space为主语的,只是译者把The fluentness of the outdoor space单独译为一句后,又为这两个并列分句找了一个共同的主语。如果将The fluentness of the outdoor space fully considers the behavior characteristics of the users这句不进行拆分翻译,而是按照原序翻译为“室外空间的畅通充分考虑了使用者的行为特征”,这样的译为会让读者觉得摸不着头脑,空间的通畅怎么会考虑行为特征呢?接下来,at the same time连接了第二个并列分句takes care of its transitional continuity,这个分句省略了主语The fluentness of the outdoor space,而这一分句译者是用顺译法进行翻译的,所以在此不做详细阐释。

案例15Opposite to the other rooms the group rooms have an increased height and the circular skylights brighten the entire depth of the room with natural daylight from all directions.


分析:首先,译者将and前面的这半句拆译为两句,译为“组合式房间与其他房间相对,在高度上有所增加”,这样叙述更清晰,先是描述组合式房间的位置,后是描述教室的高度。如果将这句译为“与其他房间相对的教室在高度上有所增加”,则所要描述的组合式房间的“位置”和“高度”这两件事,在层次上就不是十分分明,读起来不如拆译后的译文易懂。接下来,and之后的后半句,译者更是进行了拆译。由于汉语通常习惯把表示时间的词语放在句首,所以后半句译者以“白天”这一表示时间概念的词语起句,“白天”一词源于英语原文中的daylight一词中的day,即对daylight进行了拆译;the circular skylights brighten the entire depth of the room with natural daylight from all directions这句如果按照原文顺序,大致意思是“圆形天窗用白天的自然光把整个房间照的通亮”,而天窗怎么能把房间照亮?归根结底是自然光照亮的房间,所以经过逻辑分析,译者把后半句中在原文中作主语的the circular skylights拆译成了译文中表示方式的介词短语“透过圆形天窗”,然后把naturaldaylight中的light放在一起译为了“自然光”,作后半句的主语,最后再译原文中作谓语和宾语部分的brighten the entire depth of the room。也就是说,译者把并列分句中的后一分句拆译成了四个小句。


案例16It is the only place on the riverfront that has direct access to the water -- from the land side, the public is brought to the water’s edge and from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat.


分析:破折号后面有两个并列分句,其中第一个分句是对破折号前面It is the only place on the riverfront that has direct access to the water这一句的解释说明。接下来由一个并列连词and,连接了第二个分句,from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat。这一句是我们运用拆译法重点来解决的句子,翻译时译者将这一简单的并列分句译为了复杂句。from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat这一句的主干是the construction of two new piers brings people to the neighborhood by boat,主干之间还夹带了one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks这样一句。主干的意思是“新建的两个码头把人们带到附近社区”,但这样的译文没做到通顺、易懂,也不符合汉语说话习惯,也就是说不具可读性,所以我们要对这一句进行拆译。首先我们对from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat这一句进行逻辑上的分析,即,是因为河上新建了两个有着不同的用途的码头,所以人们才能从河上乘船来到附近的社区。也就是说,经过分析我们可知,这句里面暗含着一个因果关系:因为有了码头,所以人才能乘船,才能来到附近社区。所以我们在翻译这句简单句时,将其拆译为一个带有因果关系的复杂句,即拆译成“由于……,所以……”这样的复杂句句式,层次和意思就更清晰易懂了。




案例17At approximately 32 hectares it will provide a mix of land uses, be home to 10,000 – 12,000 people in market and non-market housing, and demonstrate exemplary practices in energy and water conservation, innovative infrastructure practices and transit oriented development.


分析:这是一个包含三个并列分句的句子。整个句子的总体结构是it will provide land, be home to, and demonstrate practice in。如果按照原文这个总体结构来进行翻译,将会译为“将提供一个用地,成为所在地,并且证明实践”这样一个汉语长句,很不符合汉语语言习惯,而且译文显得十分拘谨,过分拘泥于原文的格式。所以,我们需对原文加以整合,看能否将原文中的几句译为一句,或能否将不同的句子成分组合在一起。经分析,译者发现将前两个并列分句合译为一句的可能性和可行性比较大,因为这两句中有两个意思上有共同点的两个单词,即landhome,都跟“地点”有关,也就是说这两句都是围绕“地点”来进行描述的,而且主语一致,均为it,所以译者将这两句尝试合译为一句,即将At approximately 32 hectares it will provide a mix of land uses, be home to 10,000 – 12,000 people in market and non-market housing这两个并列分句合译为面积约32万平方米的综合用地将涵盖一个可容纳10,000-12,000人的商业和非商业居民区”。最后再翻译and后面的那个分句。


案例18The spirituality of the waterfront can only be fully attained when it has been repaired, when the water again breathes life.




案例19Furthermore, each quarter will also boast its own (district) center, which the inhabitants will be able to reach on foot, and which have all requisite facilities.


分析:此句中and连接的两个并列分句均为which引导的定语从句,作(district) center 的定语。如果按照英语原文行文顺序进行翻译,译文就会成为“此外,每个分区都独自拥有一个中心区域,居民步行就能到达这个中心区域,而且这个中心区域必要设施齐全”这样的句子。我们可以发现,这样的译文读起来十分零散,不够连贯,太拘泥于原文的形式,而且“中心区域”这一短语重复了很多遍。所以译者考虑能否将其中一个定语从句(并列分句中的一个)与主句融合在一起进行翻译,然后再单独翻译另外一个定语从句(第二个并列分句)。经观察和分析,译者认为把第二个定语从句,即并列分句中的第二个分句,与前面的主语融合在一起翻译比较合适,因为这个分句说的是中心区域必要设施的状况,也就是说这句描述的是中心区域自身状况,所以这一分句与其前面的主句更为密切。而并列分句中的第一个,即第一个定语从句,说的是居民与这个中心区域的关系,与前面主句的关系不如第二个分句与主句的关系密切。所以译者把each quarter will also boast its own (district) centerwhich have all requisite facilities这两句进行合译,译为“每个分区都独自拥有一个必要设施齐全的中心区域”,最后再翻译剩下的那个定语此从句,即并列分句中的第一个分句which the inhabitants will be able to reach on foot,译为“居民步行即可到达”。运用合译法对本句进行翻译后,译文更加紧凑、连贯,符合汉语语言习惯。

3.5 本章小结


第四章 实践总结

4.1 翻译方法、技巧总结



4.2 翻译经验



其次 ,翻译中一定要秉承认真、负责的态度,一定不要得过且过。遇到模棱两可的问题时,一定要勤查资料,及时向老师请教,与同学交流,这样才能保证译文的最起码的准确性。由于我本次翻译实践的文本为建筑类文本,专业性较强,经常会遇到很多建筑方面的专业术语,所以需要及时查阅建筑类的相关资料,不能想当然翻译,否则做出的译文可能就会不够准确、不够专业。此外,在本次翻译实践中,我以做批注的形式记录了我所不懂或没有完全解决的问题,以备向老师请教、和同学探讨,同时还为翻译实践报告的撰写打下了基础;我还用记笔记的方式记录了我在解决某一个或某一类重要翻译问题时所用到的翻译方法,以备日后及时复习和学习,将这些比较奏效的方法应用到未来的翻译实践中。我个人觉得我在翻译中收获的这两点小小的经验十分有用,对我日后的翻译实践有很大帮助。



4.3 翻译教训


4.4 翻译启示


Susan Bassnett在她的著作Translation Studies中指出:“理论与实践关系密切,重实践轻理论的译者就像只会开车却不懂得汽车工作原理的驾驶员,而重理论轻实践的学者则像一辈子只研究汽车工作原理但却不会开车的技师。”Bassnett, 201079)因此,在翻译的道路上,我们不仅要注重翻译实践中“量”的积累,同时还要不断学习翻译理论知识,及时将翻译理论与实践相结合,用翻译理论来指导翻译实践,用翻译实践来夯实对翻译理论的掌握。只有将理论与实践相结合,我们才能在翻译的道路上走得更稳,走得更远。



4.5 结语




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附录1 原文与译文

1. 《滨水景观建筑》序言一

More than half of our bodies are made up of water. Is this why people are so drawn to it for peace and relaxation?


Water is one of the most powerful landscape attractants in both public and private places, in cities and natural environments. It’s visual and audible cues are immediately relaxing and often awe-inspiring.


Water has been and remains a key component within many of the most well-known and highly recognised landscapes throughout the world, both natural and manmade. Its appeal transcends all countries, religions, and cultural values. Man’s relationship with water is inextricably linked, be it as a source of sustenance, a commercial conduit or simply a place of beauty and recreation.


It is true to say that we never tire of looking at, listening to, or being beside water. Varying immensely in the type of interface, whether man-made or natural, waterfront landscapes are always highly valued destinations.  


As Landscape Architects and Master Planners, waterfront landscapes present us with some of the most interesting and challenging design exercises. Whether beachfront, lakefront, canal or natural waterway, each of these landscapes carries not only exciting opportunities but also specific sets of guidelines and considerations to maximise the end result for the final users of these special places.


Landscapes adjacent or associated with water enjoy one of the most beautiful settings, and water, whether active or passive, attracts us to play or rest, and with luck to live beside. For this reason landscapes adjacent to water enjoy a very high level of desirability, not just recreationally and culturally, but in a commercial sense as well. It is very true that water adds tremendous value to land whether it is directly adjacent, or if there is only a glimpse of water from afar.


Therefore designing waterfront landscapes and master planning landscapes around water, means having to consider many different goals. Some common goals include maximising the length of the water-landscape interface, considering accessibility and visibility of the water body, creating safe entry and egress from the water where applicable, optimising the opportunities to interact, enjoy and, appreciate the waterfront landscape, managing the co-existence of public and private interfaces to water, and by doing these things elevating the value that waterfront landscapes give to a development or city.


PLACE Design Group has been involved in many different types of waterfront landscapes, with a number of our waterfront projects attracting international design recognition. We are always excited to master plan and design the many types of landscapes that involve water frontage, from hard-edged boardwalks and parkland promenades to softer natural interfaces. The juxtaposition of landscape and water requires us as designers to appreciate and support the sensitive environmental processes that occur between them, and to design waterfront landscapes that ensure both ecological and economic sustainability.


2. 《滨水景观建筑》序言二

Oceans, lakes and rivers have always been the focus for human activity.


The water’s edge has always been a special place for people, a place to gather and to settle, a place for work and for contemplation, a place of nourishment and a place of departure and arrival.


In nature, the waterfront marks the boundary between two worlds, the land and the water, and brings with it richness and diversity that is hard to compare.


The place where these great elements meet should always be treated with respect and dignity. Water connects and separates us, it beckons us to another world and challenges us to explore. The water’s edge allows us to ponder another place where our imaginations can roam. It’s a place of spirituality.


In modern times, these statements are both true and sadly neglected. Many water bodies have been exploited, depleted and dominated by one use or another. Polluted and devoid of life, water can also be an irritant, a reminder of our failures and our greed. The spirituality of the waterfront can only be fully attained when it has been repaired, when the water again breathes life.


All over the world, waterfronts are being reimagined, restored, re purposed and again given the respect and dignity they deserve.  Through this process, water quality has dramatically improved along with aquatic life.   Modern urban dwellers still understand the intrinsic uniqueness of being by the water. Waterfronts still pull at our hearts and take us to another place. Today waterfronts provide a vital spiritual resource in urban development.  


Modern urban waterfronts should be seen as a place for communal gathering, a place of good health and of celebration. The modern waterfront can continue to feed us, literally and spiritually. Waterfront developments provide us with the opportunity to improve the water environment. To halt the process of degradation, to create the opportunity for nature at the water’s edge and to provide the opportunity for man to witness, understand and experience this transformation.


In such contexts communities thrive. People come to live and enjoy the view. People gather and explore. They come for recreation, health and leisure.


Waterfronts are often rich in human memory, of past times, of communities and of sacred stories. Successful waterfront development draws on the genius loci of the place and provides a reflection of the past resulting in richness and authenticity often lacking in modern development.


Through careful and diligent planning waterfront communities can celebrate and remember the sacred value of the water’s edge and all that it has provided for generations past.


3. Diamond Teague Riverfront Park


Diamond Teague Riverfront Park, on the Anacostia River (the most polluted river in the US), is the gateway to the emerging SE Waterfront neighborhood and its entertainment district--both an iconic civic space and a case study in riverfront reclamation. It is the only place on the riverfront that has direct access to the water -- from the land side, the public is brought to the water’s edge and from the river, the construction of two new piers, one for water taxis and another for canoes and kayaks, brings people to the neighborhood by boat. The design integrates regenerative practices with elegance and style, increasing awareness about the interrelationships between social and ecological systems, while at the same time forming a stately and urbane place.  Diamond Teague Park houses the HQ of the Earth Conservation Corps (ECC), an organization that involves neighborhood kids in the stewardship and restoration of the river.  The ECC has taken on the maintenance of the tidal and floating wetlands. It is also the western terminus of the Anacostia Riverwalk. Because of its location on the Anacostia near the Washington Navy Yard, the approvals process was especially complex: approvals were coordinated with and among several DC and US agencies, including the National Park Service, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Homeland Security.


4. Frente Do Porto De Pesca


The project refers to the requalification of an extensive and neglected area, along the north side of the water surface of the Fishing Harbour of Póvoa do Varzim. The intervention area corresponds to four different spaces along the margin, with variable dimensions and geometry. The dominant southern solar exposition, and its landform and proximity with the sea level and surface, grant this space its main quality and natural vocation to recreation.


The western area (approx. 3000m2) forms a space with a more residual character, between the main access to the harbour installations. The central area (approx. 5500m2) forms the main recreation space, offering a slightly sloped lawn orientated south and towards the water surface, according to the dune typology. Following this concept the posterior surface is covered by shrubs and herbaceous material resistant to salinity. This surface has a higher slope and is exposed to the northern wind. It is contained by a small wall and a linear bench, which simultaneously protect and limit the access through the stairs. The eastern area (approx. 5400m2) has a more concentric and convex shape, and it is covered by a lawn. By its layout, this area provides a great capacity for active recreation. This justifies the later installation of a three-dimensional play structure for children. The Pavillion "Socorros a Náufragos" (unbuilt) is covered by a wooden structure that contains the new public restrooms, and storage areas. This is the only and significant built reference in the whole intervention area. A long wooden path defines the limit of the central space, in relation to the asphalt paving of access to the harbour piers. Its structure is used as a support for a discontinuous and intense lighting, that culminates in the lighting installation of Pavilion, with its reflecting panels.


5. Gardens by the Bay


Designed by Grant Associates the Supertrees are unique vertical gardens ranging from 25 to 50 metres in height (equivalent to 9 to 16 storeys), with emphasis placed on the vertical display of tropical flowering climbers, epiphytes and ferns.


There are a total of 18 Supertrees, all located within Bay South at Gardens by the Bay. Out of the 18 Supertrees, 12 are situated in the Supertree Grove while the remaining 6 are placed in clusters of threes near the Arrival Square and Dragonfly Lake. Given the relatively short time span to create a garden from reclaimed land, the Supertrees provide an immediate scale and dimension to the Gardens while marrying the form and function of mature trees. They also create height to balance the current and future tall developments in the Marina Bay area. In the day the Supertrees’ large canopies provide shade and shelter. At night, the Supertrees come alive with lighting and projected media created by Lighting Planners Associates.


A 128-metre-long aerial walkway designed by Grant Associates connects the two 42-metre Supertrees in the Supertree Grove to enable visitors to take in a different view of the Gardens from a height of 22 metres. The 50-metre Supertree has a treetop bistro designed by Wilkinson offering a panoramic view of the Gardens and surrounding Marina Bay area.


6. Haarlem Droste site


During the coming years a number of obsolete factory sites along the River Spaarne in the centre of Haarlem will be redeveloped for homes, employment, culture and entertainment. The location that stirs the imagination most may well be the site of former Droste chocolate factory: it is in a fantastic location, has robust industrial monuments – and a rich past.


DKV has drawn up an urban plan for the site. HOSPER was requested to design the public spaces, the linking element for the area. The design is determined by the location along the River Spaarne, the site’s industrial past, and the restricted car access to the region. The paving is comprised of one type of rough, pitch-black copper slag paving slab with a grit surface. The pavements immediately in front of the homes are paved with contrasting granite cobblestones. Fresh-green, fragile ginkgos are planted at various locations. The lighting is attached to the façades or suspended from overhead cables whenever possible. Oversized masts with floodlights will be installed along the quay. A concrete capping piece with a buffer beam and mooring rings will enable pleasure boats to moor alongside. In addition, the factory buildings have also been combed for elements that can be reused in the development. This has resulted in a plan for the use of elements of the industrial heritage including tile tableaus, factory machines, and electrical switchgear cabinets. 


7. Jack Evans Boat Harbour - Tweed Heads


The design of Jack Evans Boat Harbour reveals the singular beauty of the ever-shifting inter-tidal zone as an inhabitable landscape.


The primary organisational element of the design is a simple, stepped, concrete gesture that frames the harbour edge. The design’s success lies in its creation of a place of recreation; whilst allowing the tidal nature of the river itself to create a unique and ever-changing experience of the parklands. It is this simple solution which will ensure the longevity of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour parklands as they are placed under the pressures of a growing coastal population and the many pressures of urb, an densification.


A series of distinct relationships with the water develop along the harbour edge – a new beach and beach deck, rocky headland, an ‘urban pier’, boardwalk, water amphitheatre, swimming areas, fishing points and opportunities for water craft, all of which are designed to withstand frequent tidal and storm surge inundation, and to ‘future proof’ the surrounding parklands against the effects of climate change and sea level rise. In addition, the reshaping of the shoreline has enabled the development of an ‘all abilities’ access ramp to the water at all tidal levels, a unique recreational opportunity for the area.

沿着船港边缘,与水域有着明显关系的一系列开发项目包括:新海滩和海滩人行道、岩石海岬、都市码头、木板路、圆形水剧场、游泳区、钓鱼处和使用水上艇筏的机会。这些项目的设计旨在抵抗频发的潮汐和暴风雨所带来的洪水泛滥,以及使公园的周边地区抵抗未来气候变化和海平面上涨所带来的影响。此外,海岸线的重塑使开发出一个在任何潮位线都能进入水域的全能斜坡成为可能, 因而使其成为这一地区独一无二的娱乐休闲场所。

8. Kangaroo Bay


At the start Council was: vexed by how to deal with its significant land holdings and their degraded condition; confronted by inappropriate developer solutions; and pressured by the community to do better.


The Kangaroo Bay Urban Design Strategy (2006) established a vision and mechanisms for the creation of a dynamic mixed-use precinct.  The Strategy responded to the qualities of the site, identifying links to nearby shopping areas and suggested the bold move to realign a major road to create a series of substantive commercial/residential development parcels, thus emphasising triple bottom line outcomes.


The Strategy motivated Clarence Council to involve Inspiring Place in the preparation of urban design guidelines (2008) and land re-zoning (2009).


Inspiring Place also worked closely with Council to implement the first two stages of the strategy plan.  


Stage 1 (2009) – A promenade at the Bellerive Yacht Club including a retractable bridge over its slipway – the latter a remarkable achievement negotiated after 20 years of opposition. The promenade is now a civic ‘park’ inviting use by cyclists and pedestrians who enjoy un-interrupted connection along the foreshore and a ready-made events space.  The design is robust, fit for the marine environment, uses recycled materials, and encourages people to stop and engage with the waterfront.


Stage 2 (2010-2011) - 250m of shared path and foreshore parkland.  The design is elegant in its curvilinear form, robust in its materials, fit for purpose in its scale and emphasises sustainability principles.


The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (Tasmania) recognised the strength of the project in 2011 with an Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture for Urban Design.  The jury stated the project was “an excellent example of the potential for landscape architects to play a key leadership role in visioning and delivery of more sustainable urban design”.


9. Yalkavak Palmarina


Yalikavak is one of the lagoons on the southwestern coast of Turkey, which is becoming a popular destination for blue voyages along the Turkish Riviera. Unlike its provincial center Bodrum, which has faced a building boom in 1980s with the increase of touristic activities, Yalikavak is still a relatively calm, smaller scale settlement with its natural landscape.


The project for the extension of the existing marina complex for the use of middle-upper class in Yalikavak has the burden of welcoming a big investment in this area that will also bring its own facilities. The “island” part of Yalikavak Marina, which is the first phase of the complex, is planned to house restaurants, swimming pools, sanitary and mechanical units for needs of megayachts that will dock in the marina. The main motivation for the design of the “island” was to search for the possibility to reconcile the needs of ‘outcomers’ with the genius loci of Yalikavak as a Mediterranean settlement. Instead of a generic design that can easily become an alienated object for this place, an architecture derived from the local character, interpreted as composition of masses with different heights, merging with landscape and with the sea has emerged as a way to be integrated with the place. Alongside the masses that follows a gridal structure in plan, atypical additions such as a lineer wall and a tower accompanies the complex. Following the ancient cities like Kos, Rhodes and Siena, cladded with one material, travertine is used to render the whole complex which is regarding itself as a new-comer, but one of a familiar, not a hard-shell foreigner.


10. Bulcock Beach Redevelopment


PLACE Design Group was commissioned as lead consultant in 2007 by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council to undertake master plan review, design development, stakeholder consultation and to prepare detailed tender documentation for the Bulcock Beach Esplanade Redevelopment project. The procurement of various   environmental and building approvals from Local, State and Federal Agencies was also required. These approvals were facilitated by proactive discussions with the various agencies and the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan Framework greatly assisted this complex process.


The Bulcock Beach foreshore is a unique site with significant environmental, recreational and scenic values. The project also involved challenges associated with infrastructure renewal and upgrade in such a sensitive location and within a limited construction budget. PLACE Design Group coordinated and managed a comprehensive team of subconsultants including structural engineer, quantity surveyor, geotechnical engineers, soil scientist, architect, sculptural artist, interpretive, access, hydraulic and electrical consultants through the design and construction phases of the project.


PLACE Design Group also introduced Street & Garden Furniture, Chelmstone, Bell Stainless Steel and Urban Art Projects to the project and worked with these   specialist suppliers and fabricators to acheive an outstanding and robust place making outcome. The design, furnishings, detailing and materials selection is   both responsive to the site and its Pumicestone Passage marine location and will have enduring value to the community. The redevelopment has revitalized a   popular destination for locals and tourists providing greatly improved beach    access and public recreational opportunities.

普利斯设计咨询公司也将街园家具城、Chelmstone公司、贝尔不锈钢公司和都市艺术工程公司引进到该项目中,并与这几家专门供应商和制造商合作,以使该景观设计取得杰出、稳健的成果。该项目在设计、装饰、细节设计和材料选择上,将选址和浮石通道的海上位置考虑进去,这些对社区来说将具有持久不衰的价值。通过极大地改善海滩通道和公共娱乐设施, 该海滩再开发项目使这一备受当地人们和旅游者欢迎的旅游圣地重新恢复了生气。

11. Jon Storm Park


Jon Storm Park, located in Oregon City, Oregon along the Willamette River near the I-205 overpass, is a 1-1/2 acre park on the site of a previous log boom operation.  The original sheet pile wall that supported a huge crane to lift logs from the log trucks onto rafts below is still in place.  The park is a hub of recreational and boating activity with a regional trail that connects to the 99E bike lanes and through Clackamette Park to the Willamette River Promenade.  The park and trail design incorporate native plantings, local stone, permeable paving materials, picnic areas, an overlook, interpretive signage and bioswales and detention areas to collect and filter all stormwater on-site. The park functions both as a place to gather for lunch and larger festivals where are held along the waterfront each year.


12. Haihe Riverfront


In 2003, PWL Partnership Landscape Architects was invited by the City of Tianjin to prepare designs for a three-kilometer long section of the riverfront. PWL worked in partnership with MCM China, a Beijing based representative office.


Tianjin and the Haihe River have fascinating and nuanced histories. Notably, as a result of relatively recent colonial occupation, one can see a strong European influence in the city’s built form. The section of riverfront under redevelopment was originally part of the German quarter.


Early visits to the site were not inspiring. Like many North American cities, Tianjin had neglected its riverfront. The river itself was noticeably polluted and heavily used as a commercial shipping route.


The final design included a series of cantilevered promontories organized at street ends and at intermediate intervals along the river back. These promontories punctuated the river’s edge and provided more generous gathering spaces and seating areas with views out over the river. In many cases, the waterfront walkways were higher than the adjoining streets and properties that flanked the riverfront, creating challenges for accessibility and views. As the width of the park varied from only 15m to 30m, this became the primary design challenge. The parkway’s broad multi-use path that would serve large numbers of cyclists and pedestrians was primarily located along the upper platform where views of the river are best. More direct connection to the river was provided with platforms and terraced areas just above water level.


Locally-available materials that were workable by capable craftspeople were selected. Excessive variety of detailing is a common problem in modern Chinese landscapes, and so the focus was placed on a restrained and continuous pattern of forms, shapes, and patterns that would provide a simple and enduring structure to the riverfront.


13. KEELUNG PORT – TAIWAN (2003-2009)


Keelung is the port of Taipei, the capital of the island of Taiwan. Located 30 km to the north of the capital, it is one of the most important container ports in Asia.  Keelung has all the vitality of a major port, with one of the most bustling night-time markets in the Far East and an extensive and multifarious central commercial area adjoining the port. The city nevertheless bears the traces of rapid economic growth. Its principal transportation infrastructures —roads, railway lines, and the port itself— continue to limit the creation of quality public spaces of in the downtown area.


 In the light of this, the authorities invited projects as part of the plan to create new ‘Gateways’ in Taiwan, oriented toward defining the interaction between the port and the city. In fact, the fundamental issue to be resolved by the various projects drawn up during the different phases of the competition and in the subsequent construction scheme was how to identify the characteristics of a new central public space for the city with which the citizens of Keelung could identify. Historically, Asian cities have a strong tradition of use of the public space and a dynamic inside-outside relationship that has generated numerous instances of cities, neighbourhoods and residential or commercial sectors of great urbanity. However, the economic development of recent years seems to have oriented urban development toward public spaces more in line with the American model, based on the habitability of air-conditioned interior spaces or urban mobility based on the car that makes the car park one of the fundamental interchanges in urban life. This makes it difficult to identify significant urban spaces created in the last few years that respond to the traditional dynamic occupation of the public space. In Keelung is seeing the start of another process that is already present in most American, European and Australian cities, in which the port-city interaction is redefined in the interests of a greater public use of port spaces. In this way the historic port zones, which are normally in the proximity of central urban places, are ceded by the port to the city as a site for leisure and commercial uses, sports ports and even hotel and residential zones. Darling Harbour in Sydney, the Port of Boston or Port Vell in Barcelona are examples of such transformations.


14. Southeast False Creek


The Southeast False Creek (SEFC) Neighborhood is one of Canada’s leading sustainable communities and Vancouver's first comprehensive sustainable neighborhood development.  At approximately 32 hectares it will provide a mix of land uses, be home to 10,000 – 12,000 people in market and non-market housing, and demonstrate exemplary practices in energy and water conservation, innovative infrastructure practices and transit oriented development.

东南福溪(SEFC)住宅区是加拿大首屈一指的可持续社区,同时也是温哥华首个综合性的可持续社区开发项目。项目竣工后,面积约32万平方米的综合用地将涵盖一个可容纳10 000-12 000人的商业和非商业居民区,使其成为能源和水资源保护、创新基础设施,改造型开发项目的最佳示范。

Waterfront Park - Phase 1 represents the first phase of SEFC’s primary park and open space system and a 650-meter extension of Vancouver’s iconic seawall. Through walkways, bicycle paths, diverse seating and gathering areas the park provides a variety of vital green spaces that will reconnect people with the heritage-rich waterfront and offer unique and memorable experiences unlike any other in Vancouver.


The waterfront design aesthetic reflects the intersection between the site’s industrial legacy and the desire for a sustainable, contemporary urban park. An array of imaginative, universally accessible social spaces combine with various design elements to honour the site’s shipbuilding heritage, including a ‘canoe-shaped’ pedestrian bridge crossing a small inlet. Along with the stormwater management and plantings seen throughout the park, the inlet features sentinel lights that line the inlet and are fitted with special panels to prevent light pollution, and custom litter receptacles have solar-powered compacters to reduce the number of vehicle trips required to service them.

该滨水设计方案中的美学理念一方面考虑了该基地是工业遗址,另一方面考虑了该设计致力于建成一座可持续发展的现代都市公园。一系列融入了多元设计要素、富有想象力、四通八达的公共空间,包括横越小水湾的独木舟状的人行天桥,用来纪念该基地的造船业历史。 除了公园里随处可见的泄洪管理设施外,小水湾两旁立着成行的定点照明灯,并装有特殊的面板,防止光污染;定制垃圾桶中的压缩器利用太阳能电池板供电,将垃圾压缩,以减少垃圾清运次数。 

Waterfront Park – Phase 1 completes the existing waterfront promenade and bike lanes found throughout the False Creek and Downtown Vancouver areas. This innovative project demonstrates that environmentally sensitive design is completely at home in a dense residential and commercial neighborhood and shines even brighter when layered with historical references, social spaces, and recreational opportunities.


15. Stassfurt


Stassfurt gained significance with salt mining at the end of the 19th century. Later, the town was to pay a high price for this. Water penetrated the salt mines, dissolved the salt, and the cavities collapsed. The historic city has sunk by approximately 6.30 metres. Within the scope of the International Building Exhibition Urban Redevelopment IBA 2010, Stassfurt explored its theme of “Giving up the Old centre” with the aim of giving its lost town centre a new, fit-for-purpose image while at the same time finding strategies for the preservation of memories.


The creation of an artificial lake in the place that was once the site of the medieval centre of Stassfurt commemorates its total collapse due to irresponsible exploitation of potash mines in its subsoil. An area, marks the former church tower, the so-called leaning tower, that was Stassfurt’s symbol for over a 500 years. A brownfield has been planted with cherry trees, which could be removed again if the site were to be built upon.


16. Seeplatz Wetter


The "Seeplatz" on Harkort Lakeside is the central public space of the city “Wetter (Ruhr)”.  At this place the town “Wetter” presents itself to the residents and guests of the Ruhr valley as a loveable city on the river. For the special situation of the square between the city and the lake a multifunctional urban stage was developed. The wooden deck is the terrace and the figurehead of the city. Here the city “Wetter” clearly opens itself to the lake, events can be celebrated, people are invited to go for a walk or rest on a bench watching the coming and going.


The square is paved throughout at ground level. The surface was fitted to the existing topography. A uniform slope to the bank emphasizes the open water area of the lake. The riverside walks are fast asphalt paths that are most suitable for inline skating, cycling or walking. The central route between the city and lake is transformed into a pedestrian promenade.


The lakeside terrace is the main target, viewing and lounge area of the square. Parallel to the water's edge, there is huge wood deck. In its center are two seating objects. The bench elements are developed in a soft momentum in the form of a bulge of the wooden deck. Their supporting elements are also used to integrate the lighting effects. The existing trees form the basis of the planning. Due to selective replanting or felling of trees, the intended spatial impact will be significantly strengthened.


17. 《幼儿园建筑》序言

Kindergartens around the world have changed greatly in recent decades. Fast growing group sizes combined with tightened building budgets can turn a new kindergarten quickly into a nonfunctional growing and working environment. This causes many challenges for architects and designers.


Construction of large learning facilities is a rising trend. In these huge community centers a child could spend almost 15 years of his life, moving from kindergarten to primary school, secondary school, and even up to high school. Designing these large community centers our challenge is to preserve the scale of small children and at the same time allow efficient utilization of the premises for all the different types of adult user groups after the school days. During planning and budgeting learning environments universal adaptability, versatility, efficiency and economic maintenance are emphasized and children’s desires and needs are easily overlooked or even forgotten.

建造大型学习场所的趋势不断上升。在大型的教学中心,一个孩子可以度过15年的时光 ,从幼儿园到小学,到中学,甚至再到高中。在设计这些大型教学中心时,我们所面临的挑战是:将年幼儿童的数量控制在一定范围内,同时努力使所有不同年龄段的成人用户能够在教学后有效利用这些场所。在规划学习环境和对其进行预算中,普遍适应性、多功能性、效率和保持低开销是重点;而在这一过程中,孩子们的愿望和需求很容易被忽视,甚至被遗忘。

Flexibility of spaces has rapidly become an important part of the day-care planning; generic rooms should be easily shared and combined to serve different purposes during the day. This poses its own challenges to furnishing, acoustics, building services etc. Also integration of children with special needs in normal kindergarten groups is booming, so all spaces must be accessible, extra safe and functional. These integrated groups should also have small shared spaces, to which a special child is able to go to calm down and to do his own chores and exercises.


Every now and then every child needs his own privacy and peace during their kindergarten day, but at the same time design solutions should not restrict socializing with other children nor degrade controllability. Relationship between open and enclosed spaces must always be thought closely. One of the most important duties of a kindergarten is to develop children's social skills, so we should pay extra attention to shared spaces such as a dining hall, a sports hall, workshop rooms, playground areas etc.


Kindergarten’s principal aim is to be a stimulating, safe and familiar “second home”, where a child can grow up and develop with peace of mind. Rapidly evolving technology solutions and changing trends of pedagogy offer us new possibilities to resolve these planning challenges, as well as develop new ways of thinking. From architect's point of view, key challenge for us is to attract adults to understand the importance of high-quality learning environment, whose meaning to our societies can not be overestimated.


18. Dragen’ Children’s House


The integrated kindergarten is one of the first in Denmark to be built and certified as a passive house, which means that its energy consumption, and thereby its CO2 footprint, has been drastically reduced. The project largely uses materials with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, certifying that they impose a minimal environmental load.


The low energy consumption is achieved via increased insulation, dense constructions, well-regulated ventilation and highly efficient heat recycling. The building is so well insulated that the children's activities can cause the temperature in the rooms to rise.


The actual construction process was carried out in as sustainable a manner as possible. Environmentally harmful materials were rejected, while the energy consumption involved in the building process was minimised by utilising prefabricated elements with brief assembly times.


19. Drasenhofen Kindergarten


Through a tight integration of the building in the site and transformation of the flat roof into a useful greenspace, the relatively massive construction of the Kindergarten is reduced to visually pleasing dimensions, avoiding a competitive position against the church.


With the exception of the multi-purpose room, the kindegarten is a barrier-free construction at ground level: compact and cost-efficient yet functional and energetic. The complete plantation of the roof maximizes the green spaces available to the children.


The Kindergarten is accessed from south; Over a sunny, energetic, orange-colored porch, which serves also as an ideal shelter for stawlers and scooters, the central hall is reached. In plan, the hall resembles a cross, stretched southwards. The main axis provides the entrance to the building and a beautiful view over the historical heart of Drasenhofen.The cross-axis, serves as the east-west connection.


The group spaces are subdivided into different functional-areas with built-in elements amongst which the tower, rising all the way to the upper floor, is the most distinctive.


At the bottom of the tower lies the story-telling chamber where a carpet-covered bench running on the periphery of the room invites children to listen. Diffuse lighting and acoustical insulation help create a cosy and meditative atmosphere. On top of the tower a dollhouse and a miniature appartment are arranged.


The theater stage, inspires children with new ideas for games. Small performances organized and carried out by children, help enrich and enliven the daily routine of the kindergarten. The stage also serves a, s an additional play platform.


The building is equipped with passive house HVAC technologies to reduce heat loss due to ventilation. The optimal insulation of the envelope and use of air-tight triple glazed windows in children's rooms increase comfort and help achieve low-energy standards.     


The architecture of Drasenhofen kindergarten seeks to inspire children, widen their horizons and contribute to their future as free spirited, creative and well-bred members of the society.


20. Hafencity School


The school by the Sandtorpark is the first public building in the newly emerging Hafencity and part of the urban, dense city quarter. As a result of the scarce property the "hybrid" building with further day care center, after-school care and canteen for all three units was planned as a compact and space-efficient building. Apart from the unusual five floor arrangement, the new building takes an unconventional approach on free spaces and further integrates the gymnasium into the cubature in order to create an energetically sensible volume. The "On top of the roof playground" planned for the Hafencity school turned into a wildly discussed topic during the election campaigns in Hamburg and finally resulted in enthusiastic approval. The architectural concept arranges the school's space allocation plan around a central atrium which exposes not only the adjoining rooms with their hallways but also the assembly hall. The atrium establishes short paths and good orientation while the classrooms and the gym can be looked into through large openings. The playfully slanting window embrasures strike the onlooker in the entire building. They were used as a subtle element to distinguish the building's different, cheerful use from the many office and residential buildings in the area. Handling material and color was an important matter in this project which was carefully coordinated. Conceptually, the school's public areas are kept in strong colors, while hallways and classrooms consciously renounce color as these are automatically added by the user. The exterior facade consists of light danish bricks in beige and grey tones which harmonizes with the exposed concrete used in the building. The building ensemble was certified with the gold Hafencity environmental label which prices projects with outstanding sustainability.


21. Kiga egg


The newly added building defines the west side of the square, but opens itself to the play garden in the south, while a protecting wall shields the children from the heavy traffic of the parking lot.


Two group rooms with dedicated coatrooms are situated along the central corridor of the ground floor. In order to prevent the south-oriented glass façade to generate an unwanted greenhouse effect, it is shaded by a robust framed construction that includes a wooden platform and defines the view from the street. Creating a portal, it lavishly spans the access path and clearly links it to the kindergarten. Situated to the north are adjoining rooms, the office of the head of the kindergarten, a group room and an exercise room. The exposed concrete of the screening wall reappears inside, such as in the corridors. L-shaped wall elements support the reinforced concrete floor, which also provides a reliable sound insulation between the floors. The playrooms are paneled with birch plywood, which creates a warm-colored background for a lively and colorful crowd of children. The upper floor, only about half the size of the ground floor, juts out on the east side over the access path and shields both the entrance to the kindergarten as well as the one to the upper floor. The high, closed front, together with the wall, is fully capable of standing up to the vis-à-vis across the parking lot. At the same time, a change of the volumes constitutes an architectural and dynamic upgrade of the entrance. The upper floor houses a small foyer, adjoining rooms and the rehearsal room, which is shared by the brass ensemble of Egg and the “Bregenzerwald” choir. It requires only a few simple steps to adjust the sound absorption behavior of the birch plywood wall and ceiling panels to actual needs. The floor has been laid with rough sawn fir wood planks, whose acoustic properties have also been taken into account. One wide ribbon glazing at the north front lights the room naturally, while preventing heating-up caused by solar radiation. Thus, a few succinct features embody a smart reconciliation of architecture and user requirements.


22. Kindergarten and Nursery Jarun


The kindergarten and nursery in Zagreb's Jarun quarter was conceived as a combination of optimal function, accessibility, transparency, openness and strong connections between exterior and interior spaces as well as to the site itself. The facility provides space for 10 educational groups and the requisite admininstrative spaces and overlooks Jarun Lake around which the neighbourhood began developing in the 1980's.


The site has a dominant east-west alignment with access from the northeast and northwest which implied a linear building with south and southeast orientation as an ideal typology. The micro-urbanistic basis is a network of the pedestrian connections between the eastern and western edges of the site and the 3 entrance each of which is dedicated to a particular function: nursery, kindergarten and housekeeping /administration respectively. The ˝break˝ in the volume was determined by macrourban conditions, namely, the position and orientation of nearby buildings as well as functional considerations. The west wing houses technical and adminstrative services while the central facilities are located in the east wing. The south side of the site is dedicated to a spacious playground and learning gardens.


The building is comprised of three interconnected fragments: the ground floor for the nursery, the kindergarten units on both the ground and first floors and the technical and administrative rooms organised around a housekeeping yard on the west side. On the ground floor, between the 3 nursery and 7 kindergarten units, a multi-purpose hall is situated which can function either as a room or can be extended to the foyer as well as the outdoors during major events. Direct contact to the exterior is accomplished by enabling each unit to open completely onto sheltered terraces on the ground floor and deep canopied balconies on the first floor on warm days. On the first floor of south side two spacious terraces are directly connected by stairs to the playground.


The linear volume, which allows for optimal functionality, is enhanced by these terraces and canopies, the morphing roof and the rhythm of the openings all of which decode the function of the interior spaces. These main features are further emphasized through the choice materials such as aluminium, glass, linoleum and brightly coloured Trespa plates which, in turn, enable the main users, children, to experience the quality of the spaces and have an almost tactile relationship with the architecture.


23. Kindergarten and Nursery SRDOČI


By integrating the building into the existing terrain of typical karst landscape of Rijeka's 'hinterland', a direct contact with the external greenery was achieved. The concept was derived from the idea of transparency and the flow of light, the interpenetration of inner and outer space through the transparent facade, tubular skylights and roof gardens. Users are invited to enjoy scents of the aromatic Mediterranean herbs, whereas the growth of vegetation and seasonal vicissitudes create an ever-changing and eye-pleasing image of 'living' garden.

通过巧妙地将大楼融与里月卡腹地 这一典型的卡斯特景观相结合,人们便可与外部的绿色植物零接触。这一建筑理念源于从光线的透明度与流动性以及贯穿透明外墙、管状天窗和屋顶花园的内外空间之间的相互渗透性中所获得的灵感。人们在幼儿园中可以尽情享受地中海香草的诱人香味,然而,植物的不断生长以及季节的变迁为幼儿园营造出一片变化万千、赏心悦目的花园的景象。

24. Kindergarten in Paris


In the Olympiades quarter, the reconstructed kindergarten stands out like a gleaming toy amidst the neighbouring towers and blocks. It is part of the re-evaluation of a dense, functional and mixed urban planning project built in the 1960s and 70s. In this very lively district, the City of Paris is implementing a project involving property consolidations and redescriptions of exterior spaces.


The school, dwarfed by the surrounding towers, will play its role in this context, by enhancing the image of a public amenity and countering the overwhelming presence of the surrounding buildings and the omnipresence of concrete.


It’s a sophisticated toy: it was necessary to fill in a swimming pool, move a bowling alley, pierce floors and create openings, to enlarge the school downwards through the concrete slab and give it a street-level entrance. In short, an extension by excavation.


The building’s envelope is a response to several environmental aims: visual protection, increased natural light to counteract the surrounding solar screens, no thermal bridges, natural ventilation and double flux in winter. This school is the first to comply with the City of Paris’s climate plan.


The result is a thick façade with varied reliefs – bay, alcove, and concave windows – which are used horizontally on the roof as skylights and to house air treatment machinery and ventilation chimneys.


These multi-form strawberry-coloured elements enliven and dematerialize the façades. Their anodized aluminium cladding changes from pink to golden grey to green depending on one’s movements, point de view, the colour of the sky and reflections of nearby buildings.


The atmosphere inside the school is gentle and serene. The only colours are those of the materials themselves, such as the wood of the false ceilings and the bay windows. The façade’s thickness creates a strong sense of protection and minimises outlook from neighbouring towers.


The children enjoy taking over the micro-spaces generated by the façade’s thickness, using them as mini-living rooms, for reading, tea parties, hiding, etc.


25. Kindergarten Robert Koch-Strasse


The compact structure of the Kindergarten Wels is built as a passive energy-house. Due to the well-structured floor plan the object obtains a high level of clarity. The varying colours of the individual classes support the children’s orientation and increases positive identification within the groups. The serially arranged classrooms can be combined flexibly to create new and variably inhabitable spaces for the children.


Two of the six classrooms and the nursery school are situated on the ground floor, whereas the other four group rooms and the appropriate service rooms are on the first floor. The main room of each group has a rectangular floor plan. In combination with the modular expansions, they offer numerous spatial possibilities: The cave and the gallery jut out as bay windows and offer new view angles on the garden. Their scale is adapted to the heights of the children. The terraces are situated directly in front of each classroom and establish a strong relation to the outside.


The central auditorium of the kindergarten on the ground floor can be enlarged by opening the dining room and the gymnastics room. Thereby the auditorium is directly connected to the garden. Specifically arranged voids and interior glazing promote lines of sight throughout the building.

The main staircase is orientated towards the auditorium. Since it also functions as a library its wide steps and the light pedestal offer the children several opportunities to sit down and read.


With its heterogeneous environment the building ground provides a high-quality green space. The garden is accessible through the cloak rooms. The two exits on the first floor are linked by a bridge and are led to the garden by an exterior staircase.


26. Kindergarten Rohrendorf

Rohrendorf 幼儿园

The project is an extension to an existing kindergarten in Lower Austria. The new pavilions were placed tightly at the edge of the large garden to keep most of the garden. A new lobby links the old and new parts of the kindergarten and provides for direct access to the garden. All along the garden a multi-usable facade serves as a transition zone between inside and outside, with window-niches to be used to play by the kids from both sides; with verandas and terraces which kids can play on anytime, including places to hide, to retreat or to meet.


The conceptual horizontal split of the building into the children’s scale and the urban scale is translated into volume and material: in natural wood and widely open to the garden, the children’s part is the plinth to the contextual scale of the roof-landscape, which opens the spaces to the sky and to the Southern trees through roof windows. 


Existing old trees were to be built around since they were meant to serve as a „all for all Seasons“: best shading device in summer, leave-less in winter when they let the sun shine deep into the kindergarten.


It goes without saying that the new kindergarten structure is developed as a low-energy-building. Ecological requirements are, however, balanced with issues important to the pedagogical concept of the kindergarten: the placing of the building into the landscape according to garden necessities and directions of the sun as well as the creation of differentiated spaces inside as well as between the inside and outside.


27. Kindergarten with parish hall Heilig Blut


In the northern part of this dedicated new area the kindergarten with parish hall is arranged as an L-shaped building. The parish hall itself is located on the shorter wing of this building. This wing protrudes from the kindergarten’s building line. As such, it marks the communal entrance area and forms a spatial conclusion of the open spaces at the transition to adjacent residential areas.


The other wing of the building is home to the kindergarten. The respective group rooms are facing south. The Outdoor play area is in front of the building.

One enters the parish hall and kindergarten via a common porch, which is arranged as a connection between the two components. The multi-purpose room of the kindergarten is located in the northern part of the parish hall and can be connected with the entrance hall by a mobile partition wall.


The kindergarten is designed in a way that makes the group entities in the floor plan clearly visible. The tilted coloured walls of the storage rooms zone and bring rhythm into the hallway. Large skylights in the cloakroom areas support this rhythm and provide plenty of natural light into the central zones.


Group room and adjoining rest room are orientated towards the open space. Opposite to the other rooms the group rooms have an increased height and the circular skylights brighten the entire depth of the room with natural daylight from all directions.


Each group is assigned a concise colour in order to facilitate the children’s orientation. These leading colours are echoed in the furniture, the washrooms and the cloakroom areas, as well.


The individual Group units are also clearly reflected on the facade. This is achieved on the one hand by raising the height of the group rooms and on the other hand by slightly protruding them from the facade line. Small terraces are located in front of the group rooms.


The building is clad with dark red brick. The white window frames are made of wood.


28. Childcare Facilities in Boulay & Piblange

Boulay & Piblange儿童日托机构

For this double project of childcare facility in Boulay and micro-nursery in Piblange, the architects have explored the great contextual freedom, by giving it a very organical shape, which is motivated by functionality and ergonomy required for this kind of building.  


Thanks to the centripetal organization of the building, architects have been able to sharply reduce the hallway ratio while also improving the crossed points of view as well as the visibility which enhances children’s safety. In detail, we managed to get a hallway ratio of 11% of the usable floor space. Our space-saving is about 100m2, which also allowed us to design a building that complies with HQE(High Environmental Quality) and BB(Low Energy-Use Building) standards in France.


29. Consell Kindergarten


The new Kindergarten is the extension of the School Complex “Bartomeu Ordines” in Consell, Mallorca, Spain. The project is located in the edge between the urban fabric and the countryside, in a long plot oriented on an East-West axis.

肯塞尔幼儿园是西班牙马洛卡岛肯塞尔一座学校综合楼“Bartomeu Ordines”的扩建项目。该项目位于城市与农村之间的边缘地带,有很长一段地块为东西走向。

The new building program is developed in a single storey and comprises: six classrooms for children between 3 and 5 years old, one psychomotor classroom, an administration area, a dining room (including kitchen and storage area), a vegetable garden and a common playground for all the pupils.


The need of creating the main access from the Avenue, and the need to establish a pedestrian connection with the existing building, led the architects to design a building to be crossed, to be traversed. The building will be a path. Designers like thinking of this 'path' as the starting point of the project: a colourful route in zig-zag that drives us through the site while it organizes the indoor and outdoor spaces.


 In order to arrange the functional needs along this 'path' they developed a typology of 'classroom cluster' that connects together two classrooms (including its linked toilets and courtyards). A glazed facade oriented East opens the cluster to a private courtyard that serves as the outdoor extension of each classroom.


Three differentiated pavilions, each of them formed by a 'classroom-cluster' together with other program areas, are huddled close to create an in-between space, the 'path'. The roof plan clearly shows the relation between the pavilions and the 'path' using differentiated volumes.


30. Giraffe childcare center


The Giraffe childcare center houses a 60 bed childcare center and 20 bed day nursery. The building has been awarded the green “zéro Energie Effinergie” label.


This public building is located at the new area called “ le Trapèze”. The High density of this area gives it a rugged skyline. To be integrated into this particular urban landscape, the building is composed of three tiers. Each of the south-facing playgrounds is in continuity with the interior spaces and is identified by a unique concrete animal sculpture. Viewed from the surrounding towers, the regular sequence of terraces offers a real « fifth facade » to the neighborhood.

该建筑位于一块被名为“ le Trapèze”的新开发地区。由于这一地区的建筑物密度较高,所以该建筑的空中轮廓线看起来高低不等。为了与这一特殊的城市景观融为一体,该建筑被设计为三层。每个朝南的操场均与该建筑的内部空间相连,且每个操场上均有一个由混凝土铸成、独一无二的动物雕塑。从该建筑附近的塔楼上看去,该建筑有规律的阶台式布局与周围环境契合,形成了个院子,实现了第五立面。

The facades of the building are made out of white corrugated iron that provides a minimal background to the wild animal sculptures. The idea is to animate the urban landscape by using a child’s imagination. The wild animals appropriate the space; a giraffe appears to be peacefully eating the leaves of the trees from the neighbouring park, a polar bear tries to clamber up the steps, while a family of ladybirds climbs the façade in an attempt to reach the interior patio.


Architecture turns into storytelling. The building changes its identity and becomes a landscape in its own right, a metaphor for the urban jungle. The animals and the trees link the building to nature and motion. The giraffe has become a banner for the nursery since it is visible in the surrounding area from all angles. We walk through its legs to enter the building. Through their affable form, the lively animal sculptures invite us to live our dreams. These playful and dreamlike sculptures introduce a little bit of fantasy into the routine life of the town in order to inspire our lives with a bit of poetry.


31. Sansaburu Kindergarten and parking


Settled down on north and west side, the building opens towards the south and south-east, the most open and furthest direction from the walls, batters and staircases that give shape to the park. The diagram of arrangement works out in both floors, the entrance from north face of site and from there, the different elements are organized in two arms, hugging the court.


The classrooms are thought to catch the sunrise, within the timetable of the nursery school. The inside of the building is thought to children´s scale. Corridors´ and classrooms´natural light is through the windows at ground level, letting to admire the outside. The internal cladding colours are warm and alive, and they give the nursery school a ludic character, that goes beyond the interior through a random arrangement of spaces in façade and the use of colour in the balcony towards Sansaburu Street and entrances of building.


The random arrangement of the lamps in the front entrance above the tramex-made closure works as a building lure.


32. 《老年公寓建筑》序言一

Elderly care, invisibly supporting people to be part of society among generations


Knowledge of healthcare in different societies gives better insight and the right tools to optimize support. For example, the healthcare system in the Netherlands is known for its quality and efficiency. In the nineteen sixties elderly care was organized in elderly homes. The role of the caregiving process was very dominant in these institutions, as the care for elderly people regulated the life of the people living in these elderly homes completely.


The last 20 years elderly care in the Netherlands has transformed to a way of supporting people to live life as normal as possible. It can be supplied in their own homes or in newly build residences in the heart of the society.


The new housing for elderly appears to be a ‘normal’ apartment featuring some intelligent extra’s and which can be easily adapted to specific needs where necessary. For instance wide doors are both convenient for normal people as necessary for people using a wheelchair. A large bathroom feels luxurious, but is also useful if you need to be supported by a care professional. But these are just examples of ‘ordinary’ issues to be concerned in the design for housing that can be used for a lifetime. Our extensive experience in designing healthcare buildings helps Dutch Health Architects to include this essential, but often invisible, quality in the design for elderly.


Nursing homes have different demands because daily living has to be combined with a good working environment for the healthcare professionals. Intelligent concepts and designs like those of Dutch Health Architects are meeting both requirements at the same time.


A profound understanding of designing for all ages, combined with our knowledge and expertise in the design of working environments for healthcare professionals, helps us to ‘design for a lifetime in which care can discretely support people to remain a part of society among the generations with or without physical or psychological limitations’.


33. 《老年公寓建筑》序言二

THG Architects have vast experience in designing nursing homes and service centers for elderly.


We have also designed housing for the elderly, over 1000 housing unit have been completed and we are now working on new and interesting projects in that field.


With the population of elderly people growing year by year and in relation to the overall population in the world, the demand of better quality of life of elderly people is increasing and is of great importance for us, we who are in team of architects, engineers, interior designers and contractors have to be updated with the needs of the elderly today and in the future.


Our goal is to create comfortable, friendly and save environment and an appropriate architecture for their sense of well-being. The domestic ambient consist of medical censors, entertainment equipment, home automation systems to ensure their autonomy and safety.


The architectural design of a nursing home has to be in context with the good and up-to-date design and full fill the combination of social and private lives of the elderly, also we have to think of the needs of the visitors, the family members and friends that come to visit, make it a pleasant visit for all, should be an emotional, sensitive and variable experience.


34. Marnix Centre for prevention and rehabilitation


Dutch Health Architects was asked by Argos Zorggorep (healthcare group) to design the Marnix Centre for Prevention and Rehabilitation, as well as to write a program of requirements. Between the writing and discussions, the spatial model was visualised. Thereafter, a meeting was held with the client to give one consolidated architectural response to both neutral and group homes; for the placement of both long-term geriatric care as well as for short-term care and rehabilitation. Including all combined healthcare and recreational services.

Argos Zorggorep(医疗集团)邀请荷兰医疗建筑公司为马尔尼克斯预防康复中心进行设计,并为其起草一份设计需求方案。经过起草设计方案和对设计方案进行讨论,建筑公司最终确定了空间设计模型。接下来,建筑方与客户召开了一次会议,对中性房屋和家庭式宿舍的建筑进行了统一规划;既有长期的安老服务,也有短期的护理和康复服务。这里包括所有综合性的医疗保健和娱乐服务。

A concept that could accommodate future adjustments. To this end, individual rooms were created for all residents overlooking a central living room. Additionally, every group of eight rooms has its own living environment with maximum functional spaces and minimal traffic areas. The enormous view from the living rooms, the pleasant atmosphere and the presence of a restaurant near the entrance all contribute to a stimulating environment, custom made for recovery. Focused on society. With a sense of belonging. With this urban plan, one can easily anticipate the many developments in the immediate area and future expansion.


35. Mornington Centre


This new building provides extended residential accommodation for older people who require specialist evaluation, rehabilitation and nursing care. The building contests the conventional paradigm of a nursing home. Through its spatial arrangements and normalising environment it shifts from a medico-centric care model to one where family and carers work with staff to deliver care to residents.


The building is designed like a large house or coastal hotel – not like a hospital – with a new language developed to describe its program.


The rooms in which people stay contain bay windows in which people can sit and enjoy the view. These have large openable windows for admitting daylight and fresh air.


Cinical and medical support spaces are hidden to highlight the spaces for clients and their families which form their experience of the building. Timber linings, directional timber vinyl flooring, warm colours and domestic lighting reinforce these readings.


The ining room is the social heart and family focus for the building. Here family members, guests and staff come together to eat, chat and have a cup of tea.


The building is clad in oversized ‘planks’ which are made with bricks embossed with a contoured timber grain digital design.


The building supports a new way of delivering services to older people in our communities – through buildings which have people and families at the centre and drawing evidence based research into these clients’ special needs.


36. Multifuntional Care Complex Hanzeborg


Hanzeborg residential care center is located in Hansa Park, a new residential area adjacent to the city center of Lelystad. A contemporary yet timeless and unique building where providing and receiving care has a new dimension added to it. DHA used the initial design as the basis for this building. A building where care, services and activities meet. It is the combination of different disciplines that gives strength to the complex. Hanzeborg has a strong position within the local urban dependency. In the present social context, private healthcare is no longer restricted to just one location.


However, care should remain easily accessible. Social and recreational activities ran seamlessly together with the actual care. Hanzeborg had to become the center of the neighborhood, therefore, the two lower levels – where public functions are embedded – were designed as transparent and accessible as possible. For those enjoying a walk from the care facility to the park behind the building, interesting pedestrian routes through Hanzeborg are now offered. This building combines its transparent structure and public access to the entrance of the residential area through the park, forming a point of interest on the route.


37. Nursing home ‚St. Martin’ in Eilenburg


The planning of buildings for people who are suffering from dementia require a special attitude. The new nursing-home is a single-floor building and is structured like a little village for the inhabitants. The heart of the building is a so called “market place”, an inner world which is surrounded and framed by the four accommodation units. The protecting shell of the units breaks open systematically and connects the interior with the therapy-garden.


In the four accommodation units there is place for 50 habitants. In each unit are 12 rooms (two units have double rooms) that are arranged around a central cooking-, dining- and living-area. From the central living-area with individual furniture a wide window-front opens up to a secure loggia. The interior is naturally enlightened through roof lights and the inhabitants have an essential link to the surrounding park. All rooms are handicapped accessible equipped and have each a separate bathroom. Over the market place there is an airy and significant wooden roof that is a sign to the outside. The folded roof symbolises a natural, open situation and is also protecting and binding the heart of the building which makes it unique.


The rooms for special usage are arranged around the central place and are very special shaped. They have individual coloured eternit-panels so they are an orientation to the inhabitants inside the building as well as a binding visual element between inside and outside. The colours enforce the hierarchy of the rooms and make a comfortable and sunny atmosphere. Within a limited budget the building became a modern facility that respects the needs and requirements of its inhabitants, of the visitors and its owner.


38. Nursing Home Boswijk


Nursing Home Boswijk offers a home to elderly people suffering from dementia. In close collaboration with the principal, DHA developed a plan that facilitated the sensitive nature and non-traditional characteristics of the residents. Patients with dementia respond to external stimuli. Therefore, the design of all rooms and routes was carefully directed. The entire program is on the ground floor. This gives a clear view of the tranquil green surroundings and invites the residents from their rooms out into the garden. Thus promoting the natural stimuli which are so important to these patients.


Patients can retreat into their own rooms whenever they wish, and live with other people together as one big family in a home with a private entrance and its own (living) environment. Twelve “stone” houses are spread out in a natural way over the site, connected to one another by small streets and plazas. The common facilities are housed in "stores" that form the walls in the street and plaza regions. The result is a complex in which the presence of the care organization is almost invisible, and space is provided for the individual’s quality of life. Nursing Home Boswijk was nominated for the 2010 Construction prize BouwPluim.


39. Open Vensters, Ameide


Open Vensters consists of private residences and a section for public facilities, connected by an indoor glass roofed street. In the residential section, where group accommodations and private care apartments are located, living is emphasized. The children’s day care center and the office staff of AV Zorggroep share the facilities section.

Open Vensters由私人住宅和公共设施区这两部分组成,一段室内玻璃小路将这两部分连接起来。多人食宿公寓和私人护理公寓均位于住宅区,那里特别注重生活质量。儿童日托中心和AV Zorggroep员工办公室位于公共设施区。

The entrance building houses the facilities section as well as a restaurant and lounge. The roof of the building, consists of glazed tiles with large dormers, referring to the agricultural surroundings and provides an ‘open window’ to the heart of the village of Ameide.


With a view on the future, the psycho geriatric group accommodations consist of single rooms, some even with private bathrooms. Medium care is located in apartments which are suitable for flexible lease in the future.


40. Orion Tower


The project is a mixed-use plan. There is a parking garage for residents underneath the complex. On the ground floor various social services are housed, including outpatient care of Noorderbrug (for deaf people) and a nursery. Furthermore, there are commercial spaces and the entrances to the residential tower, residential units and offices of the Noorderbrug. On the 1st and 2nd floors, two groups of Noorderbrug, and 13 independent living deaf people, are housed. An additional 11 apartments for starters are situated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. The tower holds 53 apartments for various rental and sale categories mainly for elderly. 

    With a height of 60 meter (74 meter with antenna), this remarkable peak in the skyline of the city Groningen crowns the renovation of Paddepoel. In the 2009 Groninger building survey, Orion has won the audience award. On the annual ‘day of architecture’ we have received ‘the golden brick’ for this project.


41. Parkview Terraces


After a competitive process, our firm was selected to resolve the many challenges inherent in this affordable, multiuse senior housing project: complex city and community reviews; complex financing; and complex siting on a very tight, former freeway location in San Francisco. Each step took negotiation and reinterpretation, civic action and design innovation.


We focused our vision for the 101-unit concrete and glass building on public open space: the sun angles, the views to the parks across the street and beyond to the distant hills. Innovative massing and unit arrangement met the site’s challenges and ensured affordability. A nine-story tower on the north face rises above three lower floors. The L-shaped massing engages different street-level contexts and gives all units ample natural light and park views, without shading the generous ground-floor courtyard terrace or the fourth-floor terrace to the south.


Taking advantage of the downhill cross-slope, we placed a full level of parking and storage under the Turk Street entry, allowing for ground-floor communal spaces: a double-height lobby, community room, health club, beauty salon, therapy center, social services center, and offices. Several of these amenities enjoy sidewalk entry as well as inside access.


42. Psycho Medical Center Parnassia


For the Parnassia Foundation we designed their new psycho-medical center for mental health care for the elderly.


In the new psycho-medical center the atmosphere of an elegant residential building prevents the association with a traditional hospital. With light colours and natural, durable materials the clinical character is softened.

The plan consists of a compact autonomous volume, organized in three layers. Each layer has its own section and is divided into three units. Each unit is equipped with its own living and sleeping accommodations. The central atrium is the hub in the logistics. A lot of glass, light and voids determine the nature of this area that hosts all public functions.

Colors and materials are function-specific administered. This causes recognizable distinctive atmospheres within the building. This way the rooms of the units are clearly different from the activity centers and treatment rooms. This ensures mental peace and stability for the patients. The application of wooden floors rather than linoleum in the living room is one of the resources that prevent associations with a hospital. The light and natural materials combined with an abundance of natural light creates a pleasant indoor climate. The daylight, which penetrates deep into the building, has a positive effect on the mood of the patients, especially the ones who cannot go outside by themselves.


43. Residential and Nursing Home Simmering


High-quality dwelling for care-dependent senior citizens in the comforting atmosphere of a green oasis rather than the common, sterile, hospital-style atmosphere of geriatrics centers as they used to be.


The individual wards of the center are designed to conceptually resemble an organic city center, with all its varying and diversified spatial characteristics.


Apart from their orientation towards the exterior, all bedrooms feature interior glass openings which establish a visual connection with the “village squares” inside the building.


This leaves inhabitants with the possibility to enjoy both watching the goings-on around the building as well as participating actively or passively in a ward’s everyday life.


Finally a spatious and welcoming groundfloor - again resembling a small city center - complements what the individual wards have to offer with small shops, a café, a treatment and therapy center, daycare facilities for visitors and a multi-purpose space.


44. 《科技文化园建筑》序言

The design process as intuitive architectural narrative.


Buildings are always story-tellers. Well telling positive stories are good architecture. The joy and fun of the architect during the intuitive design process should transfer to future users of the planned building as positive experiences.


The boundary between the internal and external use of the building is a variable diaphragm, ideally like the skin of a human being a sensitive medium, a mirror of the soul.


Quote Ernesto Neto: "inside and outside are separated by the skin. The skin is figuratively where the existence is located and the content of this existence is the body. From start to finish, we humans are nothing but body in time. The skin is where social and cultural relations, so history takes place."


How we humans are so bodies in time, also the buildings are larger bodies in time, only with much longer service life. Accordingly more changing history takes place here. Beautiful would be that the building story also over this long period of time remains traceable and positive.


45. Aviation Science & Technology Park


Seen from outside, the identity of the building cluster is created by focusing architecture, landscape and traffic upon the main and tallest – 100 meters high - office tower housing AVIC's headquarters.


A mix of human scale and green technology forms the corporate image and prospective business strength, and by that the chance to give the company a thriving, prosperous impetus. Location, project requirements and character of the enterprise are generating a pioneer function for the whole area, in which the center is the protagonist regarding function and public space.


The entire ensemble will be experienced as a sequence of interconnected yet distinct volumes of towers. The very group of buildings encircling the main tower conveys the park its characteristic profile when seen from different directions.


The integrated spatial framework of the development unfolds in line with its two perpendicular main axes, spanning the park horizontally like two gigantic dragons, from which the headquarter tower is emerging vertically as image and landmark of the whole plot.


The core area comprises research and laboratory centres, public services like hotel as well as supporting business and office buildings. A communication and training center is located right at the starting point of the North-South axis. In the sequence, major office buildings, small-sized innovative businesses as well as an exhibition center are lined up.

<, FONT face=宋体>围绕核心区布置的分别是中国航空工业集团的项目研发实验中心公共服务区(如酒店、配套商业区和配套写字楼 在南北轴线的起点,布置了成果交流和企业培训区;而主要办公区小型创新型企业试验区及办公和会展区沿东西轴线依次展开

The architectural language follows the uses, with abstract and rhythmic facades combining 3 different materials: Dark metal panels are conveying elegance, solidity and presence to the AVIC buildings. Light grey is used for the small offices, reflecting a more dynamic, juvenile character; finally glass for the public conference building and the main towers, generating at the same time a strong night-time image. The combination of open courtyards inside the buildings and a unique landscape concept integrating large green roofs as fifth façade does not only meet the requirements of advanced office concepts. The open space concept also shapes an unmistakable atmosphere for corporate culture, for a rather casual working style and a climate of interaction and communication, all of which are necessary for fostering innovation and progress.


46. Beijing Mobile E-Town Science Park


AD+RG was appointed as the architectural design consultant for Beijing Mobile E-Town Science Park. The design focuses on international, intelligent and low-carbon technology, using advanced technology combined with actual engineering practice in China. The project is going to be an international technology exchange centre for IT industry with around 550,000 sqm construction area. With multi-platform designs and flexible internal space, it provides conference rooms, incubators, research laboratories and offices of different sizes. The park includes a hotel, grade A offices, residential and F&B retails. Cultural elements and concepts are applied in the design and planning of its internal Commercial Street. ‘Human Oriented’ is put as the major planning principle. Separation of pedestrian traffic flow with the vehicle traffic was diligently considered. The integration of ‘work, life, rest and training’ is to delight everyone in the Park. The organic integration of different functions forms the primary and secondary spatial relationships between building blocks, thus further creates the space imagery of excitement and peace. The fluentness of the outdoor space fully considers the behavior characteristics of the users, at the same time, takes care of its transitional continuity. The architectural design concept inspired by bio-technology, creating interactive and sharing atmosphere. Two residential buildings are placed along riverside for enjoying best views. We also made sure the views from the office buildings can be maximized. In the park, architecture is more than functional composite. It enables and facilitates human interaction and communication. Besides, technological characteristics are reflected by the appearances of various buildings. Environmental friendly, energy saving design is presented by the dedicated allocation of vertical and horizontal fins, solid and glass wall panels at the external wall design.


47.  Campus Palmas Altas


It is a project that aims to transform the typical image of a business park - a series of isolated pavilion like buildings - and create instead on authentic compact community gathered around a shared common space which will stimulate the interaction and collaboration of the staff and thereby help forge a common identity amongst the various constituent elements of the company.


The standard business park leans heavily on the imagery of the North American business park - set in a green and verdant landscape. The project includes a range of environmental measures such as photovoltaic panels, a trigeneration plant and a hydrogen batteries to address the issue of energy supply. In addition, energy saving measures are applied across the whole project, from the geometry of the building based on company floor plates forms with the minimum of heat loss or heat gain at the perimeter, maximum self shading of one building to another, efficient air conditioning and lighting systems and careful selection of materials.  Together these aspects of the design aim to reduce energy use. The result it is hoped will be more sustainable office complex.


48. Peking University Science Park


The objective design goals for the office towers were many.  We desired to create a flexible work place that allows for enjoyment of natural light, ventilation through operable windows, individual shading, and maximization of the sites mountain and park views.  


The objective design goals for the Podium Buildings were to develop human scaled buildings that promoted “life and energy” into the urban fabric. The Podium buildings were modeled on the historical neighborhoods of Beijing, the “Hutongs”.  These human scaled environments fostered a sense of community and brought richness of experience to those who lived there.


The objective design goals for the Foundation Headquarters Building was to provide for a very high quality work environment that provided natural light, ventilation through operable windows, individual shading, and maximization of the sites mountain and park views.  The Headquarters Building stands unique within the Science Park.  Occupying a full block, the slender tower shimmers in a large reflecting pool to the East.  A three story building with retail space on the ground floor and Foundation office space above defines a private courtyard.


49. Science Park in Granada


The project for extending the Science Park in Granada, next to the River Genil, posits the construction of a single roof with slight inflections that is similar to an open hand, beneath which are housed the different bits of the program interwoven in a spatial continuum.


The empty space connecting the big boxes or containers of the different programs—the Macroscope, Biodome, Technoforum, Health Sciences, Al-Andalus, auditoria and spaces for temporary and permanent exhibitions—organizes the communications and logistics and relates to the Park’s activities as a whole.  


The proposed spatial structure allows for great flexibility in terms of uses and of situations interweaving different routes and themes.


In general, most of the projects that develop topographies replace the continuous quality of the roof with a succession of planes or porticos of various shapes. In this way, the spatiality and constructional autonomy of the roof as a continuous element is converted into a sequential relationship of intercommunicating spaces.  


In Granada the roof constitutes a continuous angled plane that floats above the sloping plane of the ground, the two planes enclosing the huge exhibition spaces between them, with the light that penetrates between the roof’s angles emphasizing the places of communication and relation.


In its abstraction, the great roof displays a silhouette that recalls the skyline of the mountains of Granada. The resolution of the great topographical roof adapts to volumetric needs, which generate within them closed spaces of great size and height that accommodate the different programs. The roof hovers above the terrain, constructing a new topography that, by being angled, organizes in its angles the skylights that endow the spaces of connection and circulation with natural light.


The grid of the roof is resolved with a double-layered, three-dimensional structure that includes technical systems and installation networks, thus solving drainage and rain run-off. The skylights punctuate the roof as a continuation of the main structure.


50. Qingdao Science and Technology City


The design for the Science and Technology city is characterized by a compact center and four mixed-usage quarters (residential, work, shop-ping, leisure). An approx. 125-hectare area of greenery extending along the river from north to south across the entire planning area forms the backbone of the new development. The compact urban center is concentrated in structure and will be brought to life through the businesses, restaurants, and cultural facilities in it. Prestigious highrises that are visible from afar will mark the center. Furthermore, each quarter will also boast its own (district) center, which the inhabitants will be able to reach on foot, and which have all requisite facilities. Basic institutions, such as an international school, a hospital etc., will be located in one of the quarters but will be for the use of all inhabitants.

该设计方案由一个城市中心和四个混合功能的城区(居住、工作、购物、休闲) 组成。新区的主轴线是沿河的一条面积约为125公顷、南北方向贯穿规划新区的绿化带。紧凑的中心区城市结构密度较高,由商业、餐饮、文化设施等组成。另外,还有一些特征鲜明的高层建筑也集中于此。此外,每个城区还拥有自己的中心区域,该城区的居民步行即可到达,这里集中了城区所需的各种设施。在这些城区中将建基础公共设施,如一所国际学校和一所高等医院等,供规划新城的所有居民使用。

Sustainable development planning with diverse facilities, the prioritization of pedestrian traffic and public transport, a rainwater collection and recycling system, not to mention architecture that is highly efficient in terms of energy and planned taking present-day sustainability criteria into consideration, create the requisite conditions for a green city worth living in. Different qualities with regard to open space such as the setting on the river, the park, as well as apartments and workplaces close to outdoor areas ensure a high quality of life in the new district.


51. The Technology of the Diaspora


The phenomena of the recreational park took on a public significance during the Industrial Revolution. They were an act of generosity either by the state or enlightened philanthropy. Prior to this time parks were essentially derived from hunting enclosures for the privileged few.


The first fully publicly funded park was by the English architect and gardner, Joseph Paxton. Birkenhead Park in Liverpool, England was completed in 1847 and is acknowledged as a key influence for Frederick Law Olmstead’s design for Central Park in New York which, of course, is the quintessential urban park of the 19th century.


Such public parks were created for leisure and respite from industrialization. The urban population could take exercise to improve health and enjoy a social space. A place to see and be seen. Parks were a creation of an idealized nature within the city.


During the twentieth century the term park became less disambiguous and mutated into different urban or extra-urban types. The connection to leisure activity obviously continued but there has been a semantic shift to incorporate uses for business, technology, science and retail. This adaptation has borrowed the sense of a public amenity to engender these park types with a degree of perceived inclusivity and openness.


The key development of leisure parks through the twentieth century is the amusement or theme park. Amusement parks began to take significant shape with John A Millers inventive roller coasters at Coney Island, New York and were later expanded into a themed park at Disney’s 1955 Anaheim Park. These formative models have been much copied globally. The popularity of these parks has created a huge industry (57 billion dollars in the US alone) and their virtuoso engineering and inventiveness has much to be admired. The perambulation through the pleasure garden has translated into the grand spectacle of the roller coaster.


Whilst leisure parks are thriving the more difficult question is what new recreational type can be invented and, if a park is devoted to culture, what could this mean within our contemporary world.


In the face of online social networking, mega-information and instant communication what sort of civic space does this define? An over simplistic view might even suggest that civic space is not necessary. However rather than treat such technology as an opposition to urban space, the clear challenge of our time is to embrace and hybridize these digital cultures to construct new types of urban space. Datasets and information clouds can be a new raw material for our cities, they can both inform and reform. GPS and communication technology, sensing systems and interactive space could enhance and enrich our experience to create new ecologies of cybernetic parks. Indeed, it could easily be argued that, as the rapidly urbanizing regions of the world invent new cities, and in many cases from a blank canvas, these interventions are a necessity.


The 19th century captured an idealized nature for the art of recreation, we have the capacity to now invent a new nature.


52. 昆山小核酸产业科技园

Kunshan RNAi & Biomed Park


Urban design endows individuality—The new urban layout creates a totally new appearance of the park to the outside: the south-western corner of the site opens up to form a welcoming plaza facing towards the outside, extending the public green area and welcoming travelers from Suzhou. It gives the whole site a modern, strong identity and distinguishes this Park from its competitors.


Landscape plaza---The Research and Development Building and the Service Apartment Complex share a great and generous landscape space. The wide green space open, s up to a natural water feature. The atrium enjoys a great view of the landscape and is connected with the multi-functional restaurant by a footpath, which becomes the core of the landscape design and strengthens the representativeness of the Research and Development Building.


Modern/industrialized design---The architecture design features a strictly modern, industrial design language by In terms of a purely simple and clear building form, modern and industrial materials for the facade and interiors, as well as the abandonment of any unnecessary, playful or decorative elements are decided. The bright atrium and the flanks of the buildings are in strong contrast which deepens people’s first impression of the Research and Development Building.

53.  大运文化园

Universiade Cultural Park


Universiade cultural park is transformed from original Baida plants in Longgang District. It reaches the main stadium in the east, Longgang Sports Center in the west, and adjoins the park of Universiade Village and faces the School of Information (Universiade Village). Uniformed green vertical striped design is applied to the facades of five buildings. This design complies with the stander of 600 modules, thus creating a bright and dynamic mechanism effect. The landscape in the universiade park are introduced to the cultural park in order to connect the park landscape and park architecture and create a complete park system. During the design of the cultural park, environmental protection, cost saving and reduction of erection time are taken into account. In order to provide a good visual corridor, the terrace landscapes are design based on the accessibility and residence of the site as well as the existing terrain elevation. The first floor of every building is enclosed by glass screen walls to maximize the space in the first floor.

附录2 术语表







Atatürk Culture Center








Culture Parks




Childcare Center


communication technology


Chinese Special Economic Zone


Des Anglais












Irwell River Park


Imperial War Museum








Lowry Arts Centre


Lilanz Creative Centre  


Merinos Park


M.K. Atatürk


Media City UK


Merinos Culture Center


Museum of Hakka Culture


Madison Avenue


National Creative Cluster (NCC)




Riverfront Park






St. Louis.








sensing systems


Science Parks




The Ebro river  






Tel Aviv Port


Trondheim City


The Pearl River Delta






Wilkinson Eyre






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  • 翻译认知论
  • 读高桥多佳子的《相似形》
  • 以英若诚对“Death of A S
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
  • 论语域与文学作品中人物会话的翻译
  • 浅析翻译活动中的文化失衡
  • 谈《傲慢与偏见》的语言艺术
  • 论语言结构差异对翻译实效性的影响
  • 英语传递小句的认知诠释
  • 英语阅读输入的四大误区
  • 在语言选择中构建社会身份
  • 私たちが見た、障害者雇用の今。
  • 震災復興の経済分析
  • 研究面からみた大学の生産性
  • 喫煙行動の経済分析
  • 起業の経済分析
  • 高圧力の科学と技術の最近の進歩
  • 「観光立国」の実現に向けて
  • 資源としてのマグロと日本の動向
  • 揚湯試験結果の概要温泉水の水質の概要
  • 計量史研究執筆要綱 
  • 日中友好中国大学生日本語科卒業論文
  • 제 7 장
  • 전자&
  • 現代國民論、現代皇室論
  • 記紀批判—官人述作論、天皇宗家論
  • 津田的中國觀與亞洲觀
  • 津田思想的形成
  • 反思台灣與中國的津田左右吉研究
  • 遠隔講義 e-learning
  • 和文タイトルは17ポイント,センタリ
  • Design And Impleme
  • Near-surface mount
  • 중국 &
  • 韩国泡菜文化和中国的咸菜文化
  • 무한&#
  • 수시 2
  • 韩流流向世界
  • 무설&#
  • 要想学好韩语首先得学好汉语
  • 사망&#
  • Expression and Bio
  • Increased Nuclear
  • 论女性主义翻译观
  • 健康食品の有効性
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • Solve World’s Prob
  • 韩汉反身代词“??”和“自己”的对比
  • 韩汉量词句法语义功能对比
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 土木学会論文集の完全版下印刷用和文原
  • 英语语调重音研究综述
  • 英汉语言结构的差异与翻译
  • 平等化政策の現状と課題
  • 日本陸軍航空史航空特攻
  • 商务日语专业毕业生毕业论文选题范围
  • 家庭内暴力の現象について
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • Treatment of high
  • On product quality
  • Functional safety
  • 日文键盘的输入方法
  • 高职高专英语课堂中的提问策略
  • 对高校学生英语口语流利性和正确性的思
  • 二语习得中的文化错误分析及对策探讨
  • 高职英语专业阅读课堂教学氛围的优化对
  • 趣谈英语中的比喻
  • 浅析提高日语国际能力考试听力成绩的对
  • 外语语音偏误认知心理分析
  • 读格林童话《小精灵》有感
  • “新世纪”版高中英语新课教学导入方法
  • 初探大学英语口语测试模式与教学的实证
  • 中加大学生拒绝言语行为的实证研究
  • 目的论与翻译失误研究—珠海市旅游景点
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英语水平对非英语专业研究生语言学习策
  • 英语教学中的文化渗透
  • 中学教师自主学习角色的一项实证研究
  • 叶维廉后期比较文学思想和中诗英译的传
  • 钟玲中诗英译的传递研究和传递实践述评
  • 建构主义和高校德育
  • 论习语的词法地位
  • 广告英语中的修辞欣赏
  • 从奢侈品消费看王尔德及其唯美主义
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《
  • 论高等教育大众化进程中的大学英语教学
  • 试论《三四郎》的三维世界
  • 李渔的小说批评与曲亭马琴的读本作品
  • 浅谈中国英语的表现特征及存在意义
  • 湖南常德农村中学英语教师师资发展状况
  • 海明威的《向瑞士致敬》和菲茨杰拉德
  • 围绕课文综合训练,培养学生的写作能力
  • 指称晦暗性现象透析
  • 西部地区中学生英语阅读习惯调查
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 试析英诗汉译中的创造性
  • 言语交际中模糊语浅议
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 关于翻译中的词汇空缺现象及翻译对策
  • 从互文性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本宗教
  • 从目的论看中英动物文化词喻体意象的翻
  • 高校英语语法教学的几点思考
  • 高校体艺类学生外语学习兴趣与动机的研
  • 大学英语自主学习存在的问题及“指导性
  • 从接受美学看文学翻译的纯语言观
  • 《红楼梦》两种英译本中服饰内容的翻译
  • 法语对英语的影响
  • 影响中美抱怨实施策略的情景因素分析
  • 代写需求表
  • 跨文化交际中称赞语的特点及语言表达模
  • 实现文化教育主导外语教育之研究
  • 试论读者变量对英语阅读的影响
  • 从文化的角度看英语词汇中的性别歧视现
  • 合作原则在外贸函电翻译中的运用
  • Default 词义探悉
  • 从图示理论看英汉翻译中的误译
  • 许国璋等外语界老前辈所接受的双语教学
  • “provide” 和 “suppl
  • 由英汉句法对比看长句翻译中的词序处理
  • 1000名富翁的13条致富秘诀中英对
  • 英语中18大激励人心的谚语中英对照
  • 反省女性自身 寻求两性和谐---评
  • 浅析翻译中的“信”
  • 集体迫害范式解读《阿里》
  • 横看成岭侧成峰-从美学批评角度解读《
  • 福柯的话语权及规范化理论解读《最蓝的
  • 播客技术在大学英语教学中的应用
  • 如何在山区中等专业学校英语课堂实施分
  • 奈达与格特翻译理论比较研究
  • 语篇内外的衔接与连贯
  • Economic globaliza
  • 用概念整合理论分析翻译中不同思维模式
  • 英语新闻语篇汉译过程中衔接手段的转换
  • 对易卜生戏剧创作转向的阐释
  • 动词GO语义延伸的认知研究
  • 反思型教师—我国外语教师发展的有效途
  • 输入与输出在词汇学习中的动态统一关系
  • 教育实践指导双方身份认同批判性分析
  • 中英商务文本翻译异化和归化的抉择理据
  • 从艺术结构看《呼啸山庄》
  • 从儒家术语“仁”的翻译论意义的播撒
  • 论隐喻与明喻的异同及其在教学中的启示
  • 话语标记语的语用信息在英汉学习型词典
  • 论森欧外的历史小说
  • 翻译认知论 ——翻译行为本质管窥
  • 中美语文教材设计思路的比较
  • 美国写作训练的特点及思考
  • UP语义伸延的认知视角
  • 成功的关键-The Key to S
  • 杨利伟-Yang Liwei
  • 武汉一个美丽的城市
  • 对儿童来说互联网是危险的?
  • 跨文化交际教学策略与法语教学
  • 试论专业英语课程项目化改革的可行性-
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
  • 翻译认知论——翻译行为本质管窥
  • 母爱的虚像 ——读高桥多佳子的《相似
  • 浅析英语广告语言的特点
  • 中国の株価動向分析
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 浅谈日语敬语的运用法
  • 浅谈日语会话能力的提高
  • ^论日语中的年轻人用语
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • 关于日语中的简略化表达
  • 关于日语的委婉表达
  • The Wonderful Stru
  • Of Love(论爱情)
  • SONY Computer/Notb
  • 从加拿大汉语教学现状看海外汉语教学
  • MLA格式简要规范
  • 浅析翻译类学生理解下的招聘广告
  • 日本大学排名
  • 虎头虎脑
  • 杰克逊涉嫌猥亵男童案首次庭审
  • Throughout his car
  • June 19,1997: Vict
  • 今天你睡了“美容觉”吗?
  • [双语]荷兰橙色统治看台 荷兰球员统
  • Father's Day(异趣父亲节
  • 百佳电影台词排行前25名
  • June 9,1983: Thatc
  • June 8, 1968: Robe
  • 60 players mark bi
  • June 6, 1984: Indi
  • 日本の専門家が漁業資源を警告するのは
  • オーストリア巴馬は模範的な公民に日本
  • 日本のメディアは朝鮮があるいは核実験
  • 世界のバレーボールの日本の32年の始
  • 日本の国債は滑り降りて、取引員と短い
  • 广州紧急“清剿”果子狸
  • 美国“勇气”号登陆火星
  • 第30届冰灯节哈尔滨开幕
  • 美国士兵成为时代周刊2003年度人物
  • BIRD flu fears hav
  • 中国チベット文化週間はマドリードで開
  • 中国チベット文化週間はマドリードで開
  • 中国の重陽の文化の発祥地──河南省西
  • シティバンク:日本の国債は中国の中央
  • イギリスは間もなく中国にブタ肉を輸出
  • 古いものと新しい中国センター姚明の失
  • 中国の陝西は旅行して推薦ӥ
  • 中国の電子は再度元手を割って中国の有