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Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography公钥加密
添加时间: 2012-12-19 12:36:52 来源: 作者: 点击数:9424

Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography
Public-key cryptography and related standards and techniques underlie security features of many network application, including signed and encrypted email, object signing, single sign-on, and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. This document introduces the basic concepts of public-key cryptography.
Internet Security Issues
Encryption and Decryption
Digital Signatures
Certificates and Authentication
For an overview of SSL, see "Introduction to SSL."
Internet Security Issues
All communication over the Internet uses the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP allows information to be sent from one computer to another through a variety of intermediate computers and separate networks before it reaches its destination.
The great flexibility of TCP/IP has led to its worldwide acceptance as the basic Internet and intranet communications protocol. At the same time, the fact that TCP/IP allows information to pass through intermediate computers makes it possible for a third party to interfere with communications in the following ways:
Eavesdropping. Information remains intact, but its privacy is compromised. For example, someone could learn your credit card number, record a sensitive conversation, or intercept classified information.
Tampering. Information in transit is changed or replaced and then sent on to the recipient. For example, someone could alter an order for goods or change a person's resume.
Impersonation. Information passes to a person who poses as the intended recipient. Impersonation can take two forms:
Spoofing. A person can pretend to be someone else. For example, a person can pretend to have the email address jdoe@example.net, or a computer can identify itself as a site called www.example.net when it is not. This type of impersonation is known as spoofing.
Misrepresentation. A person or organization can misrepresent itself. For example, suppose the site www.example.net pretends to be a furniture store when it is really just a site that takes credit-card payments but never sends any goods.
Normally, users of the many cooperating computers that make up the Internet or other networks don't monitor or interfere with the network traffic that continuously passes through their machines. However, many sensitive personal and business communications over the Internet require precautions that address the threats listed above. Fortunately, a set of well-established techniques and standards known as public-key cryptography make it relatively easy to take such precautions.
Public-key cryptography facilitates the following tasks:
Encryption and decryption allow two communicating parties to disguise information they send to each other. The sender encrypts, or scrambles, information before sending it. The receiver decrypts, or unscrambles, the information after receiving it. While in transit, the encrypted information is unintelligible to an intruder.
Tamper detection allows the recipient of information to verify that it has not been modified in transit. Any attempt to modify data or substitute a false message for a legitimate one will be detected.
Authentication allows the recipient of information to determine its origin-that is, to confirm the sender's identity.
Nonrepudiation prevents the sender of information from claiming at a later date that the information was never sent.
The sections that follow introduce the concepts of public-key cryptography that underlie these capabilities.
Encryption and Decryption
Encryption is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient. Decryption is the process of transforming encrypted information so that it is intelligible again. A cryptographic algorithm, also called a cipher, is a mathematical function used for encryption or decryption. In most cases, two related functions are employed, one for encryption and the other for decryption.
With most modern cryptography, the ability to keep encrypted information secret is based not on the cryptographic algorithm, which is widely known, but on a number called a key that must be used with the algorithm to produce an encrypted result or to decrypt previously encrypted information. Decryption with the correct key is simple. Decryption without the correct key is very difficult, and in some cases impossible for all practical purposes.
The sections that follow introduce the use of keys for encryption and decryption.
Symmetric-Key Encryption
Public-Key Encryption
Key Length and Encryption Strength
Symmetric-Key Encryption
With symmetric-key encryption, the encryption key can be calculated from the decryption key and vice versa. With most symmetric algorithms, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1    Symmetric-Key Encryption
Implementations of symmetric-key encryption can be highly efficient, so that users do not experience any significant time delay as a result of the encryption and decryption. Symmetric-key encryption also provides a degree of authentication, since information encrypted with one symmetric key cannot be decrypted with any other symmetric key. Thus, as long as the symmetric key is kept secret by the two parties using it to encrypt communications, each party can be sure that it is communicating with the other as long as the decrypted messages continue to make sense.
Symmetric-key encryption is effective only if the symmetric key is kept secret by the two parties involved. If anyone else discovers the key, it affects both confidentiality and authentication. A person with an unauthorized symmetric key not only can decrypt messages sent with that key, but can encrypt new messages and send them as if they came from one of the two parties who were originally using the key.
Symmetric-key encryption plays an important role in the SSL protocol, which is widely used for authentication, tamper detection, and encryption over TCP/IP networks. SSL also uses techniques of public-key encryption, which is described in the next section.
Public-Key Encryption
The most commonly used implementations of public-key encryption are based on algorithms patented by RSA Data Security. Therefore, this section describes the RSA approach to public-key encryption.
Public-key encryption (also called asymmetric encryption) involves a pair of keys - a public key and a private key - associated with an entity that needs to authenticate its identity electronically or to sign or encrypt data. Each public key is published, and the corresponding private key is kept secret. (For more information about the way public keys are published, see "Certificates and Authentication.") Data encrypted with your public key can be decrypted only with your private key. Figure 2 shows a simplified view of the way public-key encryption works.
Figure 2    Public-Key Encryption
The scheme shown in Figure 2 lets you freely distribute a public key, and only you will be able to read data encrypted using this key. In general, to send encrypted data to someone, you encrypt the data with that person's public key, and the person receiving the encrypted data decrypts it with the corresponding private key.
Compared with symmetric-key encryption, public-key encryption requires more computation and is therefore not always appropriate for large amounts of data. However, it's possible to use public-key encryption to send a symmetric key, which can then be used to encrypt additional data. This is the approach used by the SSL protocol.
As it happens, the reverse of the scheme shown in Figure 2 also works: data encrypted with your private key can be decrypted only with your public key. This would not be a desirable way to encrypt sensitive data, however, because it means that anyone with your public key, which is by definition published, could decrypt the data. Nevertheless, private-key encryption is useful, because it means you can use your private key to sign data with your digital signature - an important requirement for electronic commerce and other commercial applications of cryptography. Client software such as Communicator can then use your public key to confirm that the message was signed with your private key and that it hasn't been tampered with since being signed. "Digital Signatures" and subsequent sections describe how this confirmation process works.
Key Length and Encryption Strength
In general, the strength of encryption is related to the difficulty of discovering the key, which in turn depends on both the cipher used and the length of the key. For example, the difficulty of discovering the key for the RSA cipher most commonly used for public-key encryption depends on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, a well-known mathematical problem.
Encryption strength is often described in terms of the size of the keys used to perform the encryption: in general, longer keys provide stronger encryption. Key length is measured in bits. For example, 128-bit keys for use with the RC4 symmetric-key cipher supported by SSL provide significantly better cryptographic protection than 40-bit keys for use with the same cipher. Roughly speaking, 128-bit RC4 encryption is 3 x 1026 times stronger than 40-bit RC4 encryption. (For more information about RC4 and other ciphers used with SSL, see "Introduction to SSL.")
Different ciphers may require different key lengths to achieve the same level of encryption strength. The RSA cipher used for public-key encryption, for example, can use only a subset of all possible values for a key of a given length, due to the nature of the mathematical problem on which it is based. Other ciphers, such as those used for symmetric key encryption, can use all possible values for a key of a given length, rather than a subset of those values. Thus a 128-bit key for use with a symmetric-key encryption cipher would provide stronger encryption than a 128-bit key for use with the RSA public-key encryption cipher. This difference explains why the RSA public-key encryption cipher must use a 512-bit key (or longer) to be considered cryptographically strong, whereas symmetric key ciphers can achieve approximately the same level of strength with a 64-bit key. Even this level of strength may be vulnerable to attacks in the near future.
Digital Signatures
Encryption and decryption address the problem of eavesdropping, one of the three Internet security issues mentioned at the beginning of this document. But encryption and decryption, by themselves, do not address the other two problems mentioned in "Internet Security Issues": tampering and impersonation.
This section describes how public-key cryptography addresses the problem of tampering. The sections that follow describe how it addresses the problem of impersonation.
Tamper detection and related authentication techniques rely on a mathematical function called a one-way hash (also called a message digest). A one-way hash is a number of fixed length with the following characteristics:
The value of the hash is unique for the hashed data. Any change in the data, even deleting or altering a single character, results in a different value.
The content of the hashed data cannot, for all practical purposes, be deduced from the hash which is why it is called "one-way."
As mentioned in "Public-Key Encryption," it's possible to use your private key for encryption and your public key for decryption. Although this is not desirable when you are encrypting sensitive information, it is a crucial part of digitally signing any data. Instead of encrypting the data itself, the signing software creates a one-way hash of the data, then uses your private key to encrypt the hash. The encrypted hash, along with other information, such as the hashing algorithm, is known as a digital signature.
Figure 3 shows a simplified view of the way a digital signature can be used to validate the integrity of signed data.
Figure 3    Using a Digital Signature to Validate Data Integrity
Figure 3 shows two items transferred to the recipient of some signed data: the original data and the digital signature, which is basically a one-way hash (of the original data) that has been encrypted with the signer's private key. To validate the integrity of the data, the receiving software first uses the signer's public key to decrypt the hash. It then uses the same hashing algorithm that generated the original hash to generate a new one-way hash of the same data. (Information about the hashing algorithm used is sent with the digital signature, although this isn't shown in the figure.) Finally, the receiving software compares the new hash against the original hash. If the two hashes match, the data has not changed since it was signed. If they don't match, the data may have been tampered with since it was signed, or the signature may have been created with a private key that doesn't correspond to the public key presented by the signer.
If the two hashes match, the recipient can be certain that the public key used to decrypt the digital signature corresponds to the private key used to create the digital signature. Confirming the identity of the signer, however, also requires some way of confirming that the public key really belongs to a particular person or other entity. For a discussion of the way this works, see the next section, "Certificates and Authentication."
The significance of a digital signature is comparable to the significance of a handwritten signature. Once you have signed some data, it is difficult to deny doing so later assuming that the private key has not been compromised or out of the owner's control. This quality of digital signatures provides a high degree of nonrepudiation, that is, digital signatures make it difficult for the signer to deny having signed the data. In some situations, a digital signature may be as legally binding as a handwritten signature.
Certificates and Authentication
A Certificate Identifies Someone or Something

Authentication Confirms an Identity

How Certificates Are Used

Contents of a Certificate
A Certificate Identifies Someone or Something
A certificate is an electronic document used to identify an individual, a server, a company, or some other entity and to associate that identity with a public key. Like a driver's license, a passport, or other commonly used personal IDs, a certificate provides generally recognized proof of a person's identity. Public-key cryptography uses certificates to address the problem of impersonation (see "Internet Security Issues").
To get a driver's license, you typically apply to a government agency, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, which verifies your identity, your ability to drive, your address, and other information before issuing the license. To get a student ID, you apply to a school or college, which performs different checks (such as whether you have paid your tuition) before issuing the ID. To get a library card, you may need to provide only your name and a utility bill with your address on it.
Certificates work much the same way as any of these familiar forms of identification. Certificate authorities (CAs) are entities that validate identities and issue certificates. They can be either independent third parties or organizations running their own certificate-issuing server software. The methods used to validate an identity vary depending on the policies of a given CA trust as the methods to validate other forms of identification vary depending on who is issuing the ID and the purpose for which it will be used. In general, before issuing a certificate, the CA must use its published verification procedures for that type of certificate to ensure that an entity requesting a certificate is in fact who it claims to be.
The certificate issued by the CA binds a particular public key to the name of the entity the certificate identifies (such as the name of an employee or a server). Certificates help prevent the use of fake public keys for impersonation. Only the public key certified by the certificate will work with the corresponding private key possessed by the entity identified by the certificate.
In addition to a public key, a certificate always includes the name of the entity it identifies, an expiration date, the name of the CA that issued the certificate, a serial number, and other information. Most importantly, a certificate always includes the digital signature of the issuing CA. The CA's digital signature allows the certificate to function as a "letter of introduction" for users who know and trust the CA but don't know the entity identified by the certificate.
Authentication Confirms an Identity
Authentication is the process of confirming an identity. In the context of network interactions, authentication involves the confident identification of one party by another party. Authentication over networks can take many forms. Certificates are one way of supporting authentication.
Network interactions typically take place between a client, such as browser software running on a personal computer, and a server, such as the software and hardware used to host a Web site. Client authentication refers to the confident identification of a client by a server (that is, identification of the person assumed to be using the client software). Server authentication refers to the confident identification of a server by a client (that is, identification of the organization assumed to be responsible for the server at a particular network address).
Client and server authentication are not the only forms of authentication that certificates support. For example, the digital signature on an email message, combined with the certificate that identifies the sender, provide strong evidence that the person identified by that certificate did indeed send that message. Similarly, a digital signature on an HTML form, combined with a certificate that identifies the signer, can provide evidence, after the fact, that the person identified by that certificate did agree to the contents of the form. In addition to authentication, the digital signature in both cases ensures a degree of nonrepudiation that is, a digital signature makes it difficult for the signer to claim later not to have sent the email or the form.
Client authentication is an essential element of network security within most intranets or extranets. The sections that follow contrast two forms of client authentication:
Password-Based Authentication. Almost all server software permits client authentication by means of a name and password. For example, a server might require a user to type a name and password before granting access to the server. The server maintains a list of names and passwords; if a particular name is on the list, and if the user types the correct password, the server grants access.
Certificate-Based Authentication. Client authentication based on certificates is part of the SSL protocol. The client digitally signs a randomly generated piece of data and sends both the certificate and the signed data across the network. The server uses techniques of public-key cryptography to validate the signature and confirm the validity of the certificate.
Password-Based Authentication
Figure 4 shows the basic steps involved in authenticating a client by means of a name and password. Figure 4 assumes the following:
The user has already decided to trust the server, either without authentication or on the basis of server authentication via SSL.
The user has requested a resource controlled by the server.
The server requires client authentication before permitting access to the requested resource.
Figure 4    Using a Password to Authenticate a Client to a Server
These are the steps shown in Figure 4:
In response to an authentication request from the server, the client displays a dialog box requesting the user's name and password for that server. The user must supply a name and password separately for each new server the user wishes to use during a work session.
The client sends the name and password across the network, either in the clear or over an encrypted SSL connection.
The server looks up the name and password in its local password database and, if they match, accepts them as evidence authenticating the user's identity.
The server determines whether the identified user is permitted to access the requested resource, and if so allows the client to access it.
With this arrangement, the user must supply a new password for each server, and the administrator must keep track of the name and password for each user, typically on separate servers.
As shown in the next section, one of the advantages of certificate-based authentication is that it can be used to replace the first three steps in Figure 4 with a mechanism that allows the user to supply just one password (which is not sent across the network) and allows the administrator to control user authentication centrally.
Certificate-Based Authentication
Figure 5 shows how client authentication works using certificates and the SSL protocol. To authenticate a user to a server, a client digitally signs a randomly generated piece of data and sends both the certificate and the signed data across the network. For the purposes of this discussion, the digital signature associated with some data can be thought of as evidence provided by the client to the server. The server authenticates the user's identity on the strength of this evidence.
Like Figure 4, Figure 5 assumes that the user has already decided to trust the server and has requested a resource, and that the server has requested client authentication in the process of evaluating whether to grant access to the requested resource.
Figure 5    Using a Certificate to Authenticate a Client to a Server
Unlike the process shown in Figure 4, the process shown in Figure 5 requires the use of SSL. Figure 5 also assumes that the client has a valid certificate that can be used to identify the client to the server. Certficate-based authentication is generally considered preferable to password-based authentication because it is based on wheat the user has (the private key) as well as what the user knows (the password that protects the private key). However, it's important to note that these two assumptions are true only if unauthorized personnel have not gained access to the user's machine or password, the password for the client software's private key database has been set, and the software is set up to request the password at reasonable frequent intervals.
Note    Neither password-based authentication nor certificate-based authentication address security issues related to physical access to individual machines or passwords. Public-key cryptography can only verify that a private key used to sign some data corresponds to the public key in a certificate. It is the user's responsibility to protect a machine's physical security and to keep the private-key password secret.

These are the steps shown in Figure 5:
The client software, such as Communicator, maintains a database of the private keys that correspond to the public keys published in any certificates issued for that client. The client asks for the password to this database the first time the client needs to access it during a given session - for example, the first time the user attempts to access an SSL-enabled server that requires certificate-based client authentication. After entering this password once, the user doesn't need to enter it again for the rest of the session, even when accessing other SSL-enabled servers.
The client unlocks the private-key database, retrieves the private key for the user's certificate, and uses that private key to digitally sign some data that has been randomly generated for this purpose on the basis of input from both the client and the server. This data and the digital signature constitute "evidence" of the private key's validity. The digital signature can be created only with that private key and can be validated with the corresponding public key against the signed data, which is unique to the SSL session.
The client sends both the user's certificate and the evidence (the randomly generated piece of data that has been digitally signed) across the network.
The server uses the certificate and the evidence to authenticate the user's identity. (For a detailed discussion of the way this works, see "Introduction to SSL.")
At this point the server may optionally perform other authentication tasks, such as checking that the certificate presented by the client is stored in the user's entry in an LDAP directory. The server then continues to evaluate whether the identified user is permitted to access the requested resource. This evaluation process can employ a variety of standard authorization mechanisms, potentially using additional information in an LDAP directory, company databases, and so on. If the result of the evaluation is positive, the server allows the client to access the requested resource.
As you can see by comparing Figure 5 to Figure 4, certificates replace the authentication portion of the interaction between the client and the server. Instead of requiring a user to send passwords across the network throughout the day, single sign-on requires the user to enter the private-key database password just once, without sending it across the network. For the rest of the session, the client presents the user's certificate to authenticate the user to each new server it encounters. Existing authorization mechanisms based on the authenticated user identity are not affected.
How Certificates Are Used
Types of Certificates
SSL Protocol

Signed and Encrypted Email

Single Sign-On

Object Signing
Types of Certificates
Five kinds of certificates are commonly used with security products:
Client SSL certificates. Used to identify clients to servers via SSL (client authentication). Typically, the identity of the client is assumed to be the same as the identity of a human being, such as an employee in an enterprise. See "Certificate-Based Authentication," for a description of the way client SSL certificates are used for client authentication. Client SSL certificates can also be used for form signing and as part of a single sign-on solution.
Examples: A bank gives a customer a client SSL certificate that allows the bank's servers to identify that customer and authorize access to the customer's accounts. A company might give a new employee a client SSL certificate that allows the company's servers to identify that employee and authorize access to the company's servers.
Server SSL certificates. Used to identify servers to clients via SSL (server authentication). Server authentication may be used with or without client authentication. Server authentication is a requirement for an encrypted SSL session. For more information, see "SSL Protocol."
Example: Internet sites that engage in electronic commerce (commonly known as e-commerce) usually support certificate-based server authentication, at a minimum, to establish an encrypted SSL session and to assure customers that they are dealing with a web site identified with a particular company. The encrypted SSL session ensures that personal information sent over the network, such as credit card numbers, cannot easily be intercepted.
S/MIME certificates. Used for signed and encrypted email. As with client SSL certificates, the identity of the client is typically assumed to be the same as the identity of a human being, such as an employee in an enterprise. A single certificate may be used as both an S/MIME certificate and an SSL certificate (see "Signed and Encrypted Email"). S/MIME certificates can also be used for form signing and as part of a single sign-on solution.
Examples: A company deploys combined S/MIME and SSL certificates solely for the purpose of authenticating employee identities, thus permitting signed email and client SSL authentication but not encrypted email. Another company issues S/MIME certificates solely for the purpose of both signing and encrypting email that deals with sensitive financial or legal matters.
Object-signing certificates. Used to identify signers of Java code, JavaScript scripts, or other signed files. For more information, see "Object Signing."
Example: A software company signs software distributed over the Internet to provide users with some assurance that the software is a legitimate product of that company. Using certificates and digital signatures in this manner can also make it possible for users to identify and control the kind of access downloaded software has to their computers.
CA certificates. Used to identify CAs. Client and server software use CA certificates to determine what other certificates can be trusted.
Example: The CA certificates stored in Communicator determine what other certificates that copy of Communicator can authenticate. An administrator can implement some aspects of corporate security policies by controlling the CA certificates stored in each user's copy of Communicator.
The sections that follow describes how certificates are used by security products.
SSL Protocol
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is a set of rules governing server authentication, client authentication, and encrypted communication between servers and clients. SSL is widely used on the Internet, especially for interactions that involve exchanging confidential information such as credit card numbers.
SSL requires a server SSL certificate, at a minimum. As part of the initial "handshake" process, the server presents its certificate to the client to authenticate the server's identity. The authentication process uses public-key encryption and digital signatures to confirm that the server is in fact the server it claims to be. Once the server has been authenticated, the client and server use techniques of symmetric-key encryption, which is very fast, to encrypt all the information they exchange for the remainder of the session and to detect any tampering that may have occurred.
Servers may optionally be configured to require client authentication as well as server authentication. In this case, after server authentication is successfully completed, the client must also present its certificate to the server to authenticate the client's identity before the encrypted SSL session can be established.
For an overview of client authentication over SSL and how it differs from password-based authentication, see "Authentication Confirms an Identity." For more detailed information about SSL, see "Introduction to SSL."
Signed and Encrypted Email
Some email programs (including Messenger, which is part of Communicator) support digitally signed and encrypted email using a widely accepted protocol known as Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME). Using S/MIME to sign or encrypt email messages requires the sender of the message to have an S/MIME certificate.
An email message that includes a digital signature provides some assurance that it was in fact sent by the person whose name appears in the message header, thus providing authentication of the sender. If the digital signature cannot be validated by the email software on the receiving end, the user will be alerted.
The digital signature is unique to the message it accompanies. If the message received differs in any way from the message that was sent - given by the addition or deletion of a comma - the digital signature cannot be validated. Therefore, signed email also provides some assurance that the email has not been tampered with. As discussed at the beginning of this document, this kind of assurance is known as nonrepudiation. In other words, signed email makes it very difficult for the sender to deny having sent the message. This is important for many forms of business communication. (For information about the way digital signatures work, see "Digital Signatures.")
S/MIME also makes it possible to encrypt email messages. This is also important for some business users. However, using encryption for email requires careful planning. If the recipient of encrypted email messages loses his or her private key and does not have access to a backup copy of the key, for example, the encrypted messages can never be decrypted.
Single Sign-On
Network users are frequently required to remember multiple passwords for the various services they use. For example, a user might have to type a different password to log into the network, collect email, use directory services, use the corporate calendar program, and access various servers. Multiple passwords are an ongoing headache for both users and system administrators. Users have difficulty keeping track of different passwords, tend to choose poor ones, and tend to write them down in obvious places. Administrators must keep track of a separate password database on each server and deal with potential security problems related to the fact that passwords are sent over the network routinely and frequently.
Solving this problem requires some way for a user to log in once, using a single password, and get authenticated access to all network resources that user is authorized to use - without sending any passwords over the network. This capability is known as single sign-on.
Both client SSL certificates and S/MIME certificates can play a significant role in a comprehensive single sign-on solution. For example, one form of single sign-on supported by Netscape products relies on SSL client authentication (see "Certificate-Based Authentication"). A user can log in once, using a single password to the local client's private-key database, and get authenticated access to all SSL-enabled servers that user is authorized to use - without sending any passwords over the network. This approach simplifies access for users, because they don't need to enter passwords for each new server. It also simplifies network management, since administrators can control access by controlling lists of certificate authorities (CAs) rather than much longer lists of users and passwords.
In addition to using certificates, a complete single-sign on solution must address the need to interoperate with enterprise systems, such as the underlying operating system, that rely on passwords or other forms of authentication.
Object Signing
Communicator and other Netscape products support a set of tools and technologies called object signing. Object signing uses standard techniques of public-key cryptography to let users get reliable information about code they download in much the same way they can get reliable information about shrink-wrapped software.
Most importantly, object signing helps users and network administrators implement decisions about software distributed over intranets or the Internet - for example, whether to allow Java applets signed by a given entity to use specific computer capabilities on specific users' machines.
The "objects" signed with object signing technology can be applets or other Java code, JavaScript scripts, plug-ins, or any kind of file. The "signature" is a digital signature. Signed objects and their signatures are typically stored in a special file called a JAR file.
Software developers and others who wish to sign files using object-signing technology must first obtain an object-signing certificate.
A Typical Certificate
Every X.509 certificate consists of two sections:
The data section includes the following information:
The version number of the X.509 standard supported by the certificate.
The certificate's serial number. Every certificate issued by a CA has a serial number that is unique among the certificates issued by that CA.
Information about the user's public key, including the algorithm used and a representation of the key itself.
The DN of the CA that issued the certificate.
The period during which the certificate is valid (for example, between 1:00 p.m. on November 15, 1999 and 1:00 p.m. November 15, 2000)
The DN of the certificate subject (for example, in a client SSL certificate this would be the user's DN), also called the subject name.
Optional certificate extensions, which may provide additional data used by the client or server. For example, the certificate type extension indicates the type of certificate - that is, whether it is a client SSL certificate, a server SSL certificate, a certificate for signing email, and so on. Certificate extensions can also be used for a variety of other purposes.
The signature section includes the following information:
The cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, used by the issuing CA to create its own digital signature. For more information about ciphers, see "Introduction to SSL."
The CA's digital signature, obtained by hashing all of the data in the certificate together and encrypting it with the CA's private key.
Here are the data and signature sections of a certificate in human-readable format:
   Version: v3 (0x2)
   Serial Number: 3 (0x3)
   Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption
   Issuer: OU=Ace Certificate Authority, O=Ace Industry, C=US
    Not Before: Fri Oct 17 18:36:25 1997
    Not After: Sun Oct 17 18:36:25 1999
   Subject: CN=Jane Doe, OU=Finance, O=Ace Industry, C=US
   Subject Public Key Info:
    Algorithm: PKCS #1 RSA Encryption
    Public Key:
       Public Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
    Identifier: Certificate Type
      Critical: no
      Certified Usage:
      SSL Client
    Identifier: Authority Key Identifier
      Critical: no
      Key Identifier:
    Algorithm: PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption


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  • 从汉法主要颜色词汇的文化内涵看两国文
  • Un problème chez &
  • IHRM Individual re
  • SPE会议论文翻译
  • Project Proposal 地
  • 中国意大利家用电器领域合作的可能性和
  • Career Goal与Career
  • Caractéristiques e
  • L'influence de l'S
  • 英语口语教学改革途径测试与分析
  • 语用学理论与高校英语阅读教学
  • 日本语研究计划书写作申请
  • To Whom it May Con
  • 译文中英对照葡萄酒产品介绍
  • 韩国传统用餐礼节
  • 日本語の暧昧語婉曲暧昧性省略表現以心
  • 研究计划书写作要求
  • Outline Impact of
  • 计算机工程与网络技术国际学术会议EI
  • 微软的人脸3D建模技术 Kinect
  • Qualitative resear
  • 新闻的感想
  • 与老师对话的测验
  • 韩语论文修改意见教授老师
  • 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院英语专业
  • APA论文写作格式
  • the surrounding en
  • Современное состоя
  • CHIN30005 Advanced
  • The APA Harvard Sy
  • Annotated Bibiolgr
  • Acker Merrall & Co
  • 资生堂进入中国市场的经营策略
  • Introduction to Pu
  • 软件测试Introduction t
  • Pro Ajax and java
  • 用户体验The user exper
  • AJAX Design Patter
  • The Rich Client Pl
  • Keyframer Chunks
  • 3D-Studio File For
  • Mathematics for Co
  • The Linux MTD, JFF
  • 中日体态语的表现形式及其差异
  • CB 202 System Anal
  • 论日本恐怖电影与好莱坞恐怖片的异同
  • 俄语论文修改
  • 古典诗歌翻译英语论文资料
  • <한중
  • 公司治理(Corporate Gov
  • 英语习语翻译中的移植与转换
  • 日语(上) 期末复习题
  • 리더&#
  • 购物小票翻译
  • 论文摘要翻译英文
  • Bedeutung der Prod
  • 英语考卷代写代做
  • 日本語の感情形容詞の使用特徴——ドラ
  • 未来創造学部卒業研究要領
  • 光之明(国际)低碳产品交易中心介绍
  • 中国の茶文化と日本茶道との比較—精神
  • 목차
  • Final Project Grad
  • 東京学芸大学>センターなど教員許 夏
  • 東京学芸大学 大学院教育学研究科(修
  • 白澤論
  • ポスト社会主義モンゴルにおけるカザフ
  • 言語と色彩現象—史的テクストをもとに
  • 渡来人伝説の研究
  • 中日企业文化差异的比较
  • Modellierung des B
  • 日本大学奖学金申请
  • 大学日语教师尉老师
  • 석사&#
  • Chemical Shift of
  • 中韩生日习俗文化比较
  • Measure of Attachm
  • 酒店韩国客人满意度影响因素研究
  • 要旨部分の訂正版をお送りします
  • Writing and textua
  • 日本企業文化が中国企業にもたらす啓示
  • 日本情报信息专业考试题
  • 雅丽姿毛绒时装有限公司网站文案(中文
  • 語用論の関連性理論「carston」
  • 組織行動と情報セキュリティ.レポート
  • Bedarf
  • 中日企业文化差异的比较
  • 从语形的角度对比中日“手”语义派生的
  • 中国明朝汉籍东传日本及其对日本文化的
  • 《中日茶道文化比较》
  • 从中日两国电视剧看中日文化之差异
  • FOM Hochschule für
  • Die Rolle der Bank
  • A Penny for Your T
  • 也谈ガ行鼻浊音的语音教学问题
  • On the Difference
  • 衣装は苗族の伝統文化の主な表現形式
  • 日语语言文学硕士论文:日本の义务教育
  • 日本的茶文化
  • Samsung Electronic
  • Synthesis and char
  • The traveling mark
  • The Japanese Democ
  • 四季の歌
  • CapitoloI La situa
  • The Effects of Aff
  • WEB服务安全保障分析
  • 音译汉语和英语的相互渗透引用
  • 中日两国服装贸易日语论文写作要求
  • 日语论文修改意见
  • 英语作文题目
  • 申请留学社会经验心得体会
  • BE951 Coursework O
  • Overview township
  • 日本の長寿社会考察
  • 日语老师教师电话联系方式
  • 「依頼」に対する中上級者の「断り」に
  • 日本語序論
  • component formatti
  • 日文文献资料的查阅方法
  • 日文文献资料的查阅方法
  • 日语文献检索日文文献搜索网站
  • 日本留学硕士及研究生的区别硕士申请条
  • Adult attachment s
  • レベルが向上する中国の日本学研究修士
  • 日本留学硕士(修士)与研究生的区别
  • Nontraditional Man
  • Engine Lathes
  • Automatic Screw M
  • Chain Drives
  • V-belt
  • Bestimmung der rut
  • 中山LED生产厂家企业黄页大全
  • 活用神话的文化背景来看韩国语教育方案
  • MLA論文格式
  • 旅游中介
  • MLA论文格式代写MLA论文
  • 小論文參考資料寫作格式範例(採APA
  • clothing model; fi
  • 共同利用者支援システムへのユーザー登
  • 太陽風を利用した次世代宇宙推進システ
  • RAO-SS:疎行列ソルバにおける実
  • 井伏鱒二の作品における小動物について
  • 從“老祖宗的典籍”到“現代科學的証
  • “A great Pecking D
  • 净月法师简历
  • 科技论文中日对照
  • 翻译的科技论文节选
  •  IPY-4へ向ける準備の進み具合
  • 論文誌のJ-STAGE投稿ʍ
  • Journal of Compute
  • 学会誌 (Journal of Co
  • 学会誌JCCJ特集号への投稿締切日の
  • 「化学レポート:現状と将来」
  • 韩语翻译个人简历
  • 九三会所
  • 事態情報附加連体節の中国語表現につい
  • International Bacc
  • HL introduction do
  • コーパスを利用した日本語の複合動詞の
  • 日语分词技术在日语教材开发中的应用构
  • 北極圏環境研究センター活動報告
  • 语用学在翻译中的运用
  • 日汉交替传译小议——从两篇口译试题谈
  • 総合科学専攻における卒業論文(ミニ卒
  • Heroes in August W
  • 玛雅文明-西班牙语论文
  • 西班牙语论文-西班牙旅游美食建筑
  • 八戸工業大学工学部環境建設工学科卒業
  • 親の連れ子として離島の旧家にやって来
  • 「米ソ協定」下の引揚げにおいて
  • タイトル:少子化対策の国際比較
  • メインタイトル:ここに入力。欧数字は
  • 東洋大学工学部環境建設学科卒業論文要
  • IPCar:自動車プローブ情報システ
  • Abrupt Climate Cha
  • Recognition of Eco
  • Complexities of Ch
  • Statistical Analys
  • Dangerous Level o
  • 中日对照新闻稿
  • 俄汉语外来词使用的主要领域对比分析
  • 两种形式的主谓一致
  • 韩语论文大纲修改
  • 중국&#
  • 俄语外来词的同化问题
  • 北海道方言中自发助动词らさる的用法与
  • 论高职英语教育基础性与实用性的有机结
  • 论高职幼师双语口语技能的培养
  • 论高职幼师英语口语技能的培养
  •     自分・この眼&
  • 成蹊大学大学院 経済経営研究科
  • アクア・マイクロ
  • 公共経営研究科修士論文(政策提言論文
  • 基于学习风格的英语学习多媒体课件包
  • 后殖民时期印度英语诗歌管窥
  • 汉语互动致使句的句法生成
  • 笔译价格
  • 携帯TV電話の活用
  • 英語学習におけるノートテイキング方略
  • 強化学習と決定木によるエージェント
  • エージェントの行動様式の学習法
  • 学習エージェントとは
  • 強化学習と決定木学習による汎用エージ
  • 講演概要の書き方
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英汉词汇文化内涵及其翻译
  • 论大学英语教学改革之建构主义理论指导
  • 国内影片片名翻译研究综观及现状
  • 平成13年度経済情報学科特殊研究
  • Comparison of curr
  • 英文论文任务书
  • This project is to
  • the comparison of
  • デジタルペンとRFIDタグを活用した
  • 無資格者無免許・対策関
  • 創刊の辞―医療社会学の通常科学化をめ
  • gastric cancer:ade
  • 揭示政治语篇蕴涵的意识形态
  • 试论专业英语课程项目化改革的可行性
  • 多媒体环境下的英语教学交际化
  • 翻译认知论
  • 读高桥多佳子的《相似形》
  • 以英若诚对“Death of A S
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
  • 论语域与文学作品中人物会话的翻译
  • 浅析翻译活动中的文化失衡
  • 谈《傲慢与偏见》的语言艺术
  • 论语言结构差异对翻译实效性的影响
  • 英语传递小句的认知诠释
  • 英语阅读输入的四大误区
  • 在语言选择中构建社会身份
  • 私たちが見た、障害者雇用の今。
  • 震災復興の経済分析
  • 研究面からみた大学の生産性
  • 喫煙行動の経済分析
  • 起業の経済分析
  • 高圧力の科学と技術の最近の進歩
  • 「観光立国」の実現に向けて
  • 資源としてのマグロと日本の動向
  • 揚湯試験結果の概要温泉水の水質の概要
  • 計量史研究執筆要綱 
  • 日中友好中国大学生日本語科卒業論文
  • 제 7 장
  • 전자&
  • 現代國民論、現代皇室論
  • 記紀批判—官人述作論、天皇宗家論
  • 津田的中國觀與亞洲觀
  • 津田思想的形成
  • 反思台灣與中國的津田左右吉研究
  • 遠隔講義 e-learning
  • 和文タイトルは17ポイント,センタリ
  • Design And Impleme
  • Near-surface mount
  • 중국 &
  • 韩国泡菜文化和中国的咸菜文化
  • 무한&#
  • 수시 2
  • 韩流流向世界
  • 무설&#
  • 要想学好韩语首先得学好汉语
  • 사망&#
  • Expression and Bio
  • Increased Nuclear
  • 论女性主义翻译观
  • 健康食品の有効性
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • Solve World’s Prob
  • 韩汉反身代词“??”和“自己”的对比
  • 韩汉量词句法语义功能对比
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 土木学会論文集の完全版下印刷用和文原
  • 英语语调重音研究综述
  • 英汉语言结构的差异与翻译
  • 平等化政策の現状と課題
  • 日本陸軍航空史航空特攻
  • 商务日语专业毕业生毕业论文选题范围
  • 家庭内暴力の現象について
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • Treatment of high
  • On product quality
  • Functional safety
  • 日文键盘的输入方法
  • 高职高专英语课堂中的提问策略
  • 对高校学生英语口语流利性和正确性的思
  • 二语习得中的文化错误分析及对策探讨
  • 高职英语专业阅读课堂教学氛围的优化对
  • 趣谈英语中的比喻
  • 浅析提高日语国际能力考试听力成绩的对
  • 外语语音偏误认知心理分析
  • 读格林童话《小精灵》有感
  • “新世纪”版高中英语新课教学导入方法
  • 初探大学英语口语测试模式与教学的实证
  • 中加大学生拒绝言语行为的实证研究
  • 目的论与翻译失误研究—珠海市旅游景点
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英语水平对非英语专业研究生语言学习策
  • 英语教学中的文化渗透
  • 中学教师自主学习角色的一项实证研究
  • 叶维廉后期比较文学思想和中诗英译的传
  • 钟玲中诗英译的传递研究和传递实践述评
  • 建构主义和高校德育
  • 论习语的词法地位
  • 广告英语中的修辞欣赏
  • 从奢侈品消费看王尔德及其唯美主义
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《
  • 论高等教育大众化进程中的大学英语教学
  • 试论《三四郎》的三维世界
  • 李渔的小说批评与曲亭马琴的读本作品
  • 浅谈中国英语的表现特征及存在意义
  • 湖南常德农村中学英语教师师资发展状况
  • 海明威的《向瑞士致敬》和菲茨杰拉德
  • 围绕课文综合训练,培养学生的写作能力
  • 指称晦暗性现象透析
  • 西部地区中学生英语阅读习惯调查
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 试析英诗汉译中的创造性
  • 言语交际中模糊语浅议
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 关于翻译中的词汇空缺现象及翻译对策
  • 从互文性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本宗教
  • 从目的论看中英动物文化词喻体意象的翻
  • 高校英语语法教学的几点思考
  • 高校体艺类学生外语学习兴趣与动机的研
  • 大学英语自主学习存在的问题及“指导性
  • 从接受美学看文学翻译的纯语言观
  • 《红楼梦》两种英译本中服饰内容的翻译
  • 法语对英语的影响
  • 影响中美抱怨实施策略的情景因素分析
  • 代写需求表
  • 跨文化交际中称赞语的特点及语言表达模
  • 实现文化教育主导外语教育之研究
  • 试论读者变量对英语阅读的影响
  • 从文化的角度看英语词汇中的性别歧视现
  • 合作原则在外贸函电翻译中的运用
  • Default 词义探悉
  • 从图示理论看英汉翻译中的误译
  • 许国璋等外语界老前辈所接受的双语教学
  • “provide” 和 “suppl
  • 由英汉句法对比看长句翻译中的词序处理
  • 1000名富翁的13条致富秘诀中英对
  • 英语中18大激励人心的谚语中英对照
  • 反省女性自身 寻求两性和谐---评
  • 浅析翻译中的“信”
  • 集体迫害范式解读《阿里》
  • 横看成岭侧成峰-从美学批评角度解读《
  • 福柯的话语权及规范化理论解读《最蓝的
  • 播客技术在大学英语教学中的应用
  • 如何在山区中等专业学校英语课堂实施分
  • 奈达与格特翻译理论比较研究
  • 语篇内外的衔接与连贯
  • Economic globaliza
  • 用概念整合理论分析翻译中不同思维模式
  • 英语新闻语篇汉译过程中衔接手段的转换
  • 对易卜生戏剧创作转向的阐释
  • 动词GO语义延伸的认知研究
  • 反思型教师—我国外语教师发展的有效途
  • 输入与输出在词汇学习中的动态统一关系
  • 教育实践指导双方身份认同批判性分析
  • 中英商务文本翻译异化和归化的抉择理据
  • 从艺术结构看《呼啸山庄》
  • 从儒家术语“仁”的翻译论意义的播撒
  • 论隐喻与明喻的异同及其在教学中的启示
  • 话语标记语的语用信息在英汉学习型词典
  • 论森欧外的历史小说
  • 翻译认知论 ——翻译行为本质管窥
  • 中美语文教材设计思路的比较
  • 美国写作训练的特点及思考
  • UP语义伸延的认知视角
  • 成功的关键-The Key to S
  • 杨利伟-Yang Liwei
  • 武汉一个美丽的城市
  • 对儿童来说互联网是危险的?
  • 跨文化交际教学策略与法语教学
  • 试论专业英语课程项目化改革的可行性-
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
  • 翻译认知论——翻译行为本质管窥
  • 母爱的虚像 ——读高桥多佳子的《相似
  • 浅析英语广告语言的特点
  • 中国の株価動向分析
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 浅谈日语敬语的运用法
  • 浅谈日语会话能力的提高
  • ^论日语中的年轻人用语
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • 关于日语中的简略化表达
  • 关于日语的委婉表达
  • The Wonderful Stru
  • Of Love(论爱情)
  • SONY Computer/Notb
  • 从加拿大汉语教学现状看海外汉语教学
  • MLA格式简要规范
  • 浅析翻译类学生理解下的招聘广告
  • 日本大学排名
  • 虎头虎脑
  • 杰克逊涉嫌猥亵男童案首次庭审
  • Throughout his car
  • June 19,1997: Vict
  • 今天你睡了“美容觉”吗?
  • [双语]荷兰橙色统治看台 荷兰球员统
  • Father's Day(异趣父亲节
  • 百佳电影台词排行前25名
  • June 9,1983: Thatc
  • June 8, 1968: Robe
  • 60 players mark bi
  • June 6, 1984: Indi
  • 日本の専門家が漁業資源を警告するのは
  • オーストリア巴馬は模範的な公民に日本
  • 日本のメディアは朝鮮があるいは核実験
  • 世界のバレーボールの日本の32年の始
  • 日本の国債は滑り降りて、取引員と短い
  • 广州紧急“清剿”果子狸
  • 美国“勇气”号登陆火星
  • 第30届冰灯节哈尔滨开幕
  • 美国士兵成为时代周刊2003年度人物
  • BIRD flu fears hav
  • 中国チベット文化週間はマドリードで開
  • 中国チベット文化週間はマドリードで開
  • 中国の重陽の文化の発祥地──河南省西
  • シティバンク:日本の国債は中国の中央
  • イギリスは間もなく中国にブタ肉を輸出
  • 古いものと新しい中国センター姚明の失
  • 中国の陝西は旅行して推薦ӥ
  • 中国の電子は再度元手を割って中国の有